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Soonyoung POV

I knew Jeonghan was right. My mouth was just faster then my brain. I tried to reach Jihoon but he was already out of the door. I wanted to run after him but i was still in my Pyjamas. I ran to my Room and dressed myself. I walked back and was about to put on my shoes, when Seungkwan came to me. "I'm sorry hyung. I didn't wanted to embarrass Jihoon or you." he said with an sad tone in his voice. "It's alright, it's not your fault. It's mine. I never should've do this without talking to him." i answered him and ruffled his hair. "Where do you think he went?" he asked with concern. "I know just one place and that is his studio." He nooded his head. "Please tell him that i'm sorry." I smiled at him. "Don't worry to much but i will. See you later." I opened the door and went outside.

When i arrived at this studio door, i stood there for about 10 minutes and tried to think about what to say.  I was nervous. I was scared, that i hurted him and he was angry at me. I thought that he didn't like me anymore. Just do it Soonyoung. It was your fault so just be a man. I knocked at his door and waited for an answer. I heard a little "Come in". I opened the door and saw him sitting on his couch. When i entered, he looked at me but quickly avoided my eyes. "What do you want Soonyoung?" he asked. I stood at the door a little bit but went to the couch and sat next to him. I tried to catch his eyes but it didn't worked. "Can you at least look at me? Then i will answer your Question." He let out a pout but finally looked at me. I could see that his cheeks are red. I grabbed his hand. "Look Jihoon, i am sorry about what just happend. I didn't wanted to make you uncomfortable but like always my mouth was faster then my brain. I should have discussed it with you, if we are ready to tell anyone.  I'm really really sorry." He stared at me for awhile without saying anything. Nice Soonyoung, he hates you now. I wanted to say something again when he started talking. "I'm sorry that i just ran away. I should have stayed with you and not be embarrassed about it. I'm just so new to these things and didn't knew how to react. I don't blame you for telling. I actually wanted to talk to you about it." he said to me while looking at me. I smiled a little. "And what do you want to talk about Jihoon?" i asked him. I hoped he would give me the answer i wanted. A long time he said nothing. I was getting scared. Maybe he don't want me. He let go of my hand and stood up. He walked back and forth. I was getting impatient. "Just say it already." i said a bit harsh. He looked at me. "Sorry, i tried to find the right words." He breathed slowly in and then looked at me. "I like you, Soonyoung. No, i even love you. I loved you for a long time  and i was so happy, when you finally asked me out. I couldn't believed it. I was already about to give up. This date was perfect and the kiss, too. And when you hinted the second date, i was even more happier then before. But i thought about it and i think i don't want a second date. I want you to be mine already. I waited too long. So Soonyoung, i ask you now. Do i have a chance?" he finished his sentence. I tried to process what he just told me. He loves me? I just stared at him. I could see that he was getting sadder with every second i didn't answered.  I finally stood up and walked to him. I grabbed his face with my hands and pulled him into a kiss. I tried to show all my feelings with it. He responded immediately and i could feel that he relaxed. When we both needed air, we broke apart and i just stared in his eyes. I carressed his cheek with my thumb. I knew he waited for my answer. "I'm already yours, Jihoon. I'm sorry i didn't saw it sooner but i love you too. So so much." i said to him. His eyes widened like he couldn't believe what i just said. "You mean it ?" he asked.  I smiled so bright at him and nodded my head. "Yes. I love you, Jihoon. Would you make me happy and be my boyfriend?" He just smiled back. "Yes, i would love to." He closed the gap between us and kissed me again.

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