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Soonyoung POV

After our dinner at the Restaurant, we walked to the Amusement Park. I wanted to ride with him on the Ferris Wheel. While we walked, i wanted to hold his Hand but i wasn't sure, if he would like it. I struggled and i was so unsure of myself. "Soonyoung, is something wrong ? I can see that you're thinking hard." i heard Jihoon say. Should i ask him ? It's now or never. "It's just...." i began the sentence. I saw that he looked at me with his beautiful eyes. "Can i hold your hand?" i asked him without looking at him. He giggled a bit. "You don't need to ask." he said and intertwined our hands.

We were getting closer to the amusement park and i could feel, that Jihoon was getting excited. But i knew when we are there, we needed to let go of our hands. "I think we need to let go of our hands." i said to Jihoon with a hint of sadness in my voice. "Yeah, i know. But i don't want to." he pouted. I looked at him and smiled. "You are extremely cute when you pout." i said to him and let his hand go. We entered the park. "So, i wanted to go with you to the Ferris Wheel but do you wanna go somewhere else first?" i asked him. "It's already a bit late, so how do you think about getting ice cream and then ride the Ferris Wheel?" i nodded my head. "Deal, let's go." We made our way to the ice cream stall. We waited a bit before it was our turn. "Which flavour do you want?" i asked him. He looked at the flavours and then at me. He smiled. "Strawberry please." It was our turn, so i bought two Strawberry flavoured ice creams. I paid and then we began our way to the Ferris Wheel. I heard, how Jihoon's phone signals that he has a new message. He took his phone out and read it. He began to laugh. I looked at him and became jealous. Who could made him laugh like that. "Why do you laugh?" He looked at me. "Ah that was Minghao, he asked me about you and how do you like my outfit." he laughed again. When i heard this, i felt at ease.

We finally stood in the line for the Ferris Wheel. When it was our turn, i paid for it. I could feel that Jihoon wanted to say something. We were seated in our cabin and the ride began. Jihoon then looked at me. "You know, you didn't need to pay for everything. I could've paid the ride." he said and pouted. He looked so cute again. "Yeah, i know, but i invited you to the date, so i paid for everything. Next time you can invite me and pay." He watched at me with big eyes. "So you want to go on a date with me again?" he asked me. I took his hand and intertwined them. "Of course Jihoon. I want go to on many dates with you." i said a bit shyly. He squeezed my hand and i could see him smile. "I'm glad that you think just like me." I could feel that we were at the top. You could see over Seoul's night skyline. Jihoon noticed too. He looked outside and said: "Look Soonyoung. It's really beautiful." I agreed with him. He looked back at me and saw that i was staring at him. We looked each other deep in the eyes and i leaned in. He leaned in too. I could feel his breath on me. We stopped before our lips touched. "Jihoon, i will kiss you now." i whispered. I could see the slight nod and i closed the gab between us. It was sloppy at first but soon we found our rhythm. He lips were so soft and i felt all the butterflys in my stomach going crazy. I couldn't get enough and i wanted that this kiss never ended. I lifted my hands to his cheeks und cupped them. He laid his arms around my hips and pulled me closer to him. Our kiss got intense because of that. We could feel that the Ferris Wheel started again and we also needed to breathe. I pulled a bit back but connected our foreheads. I opened my eyes and saw that he slowly opened his. I saw how he began to smile and i couldn't help myself and smiled too. "Wow, that was the best first kiss ever." He giggled at my comment. I could see that he began to blush. "I knew that our first kiss would be perfect." he said back.

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