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Jihoon POV

I looked at Soonyoung and couldn't believe what just happend. My eyes were wide open and i couldn't say something. Did he just asked me to go out with him? I saw his face fall and he looked sad. "Sorry, i shouldn't have asked this. Forget it, please. Good Night." he said with sad eyes. He tried to walk pass me when realised what happened. I grabed his wrist and stopped him. He turned around and looked at me. "I don't dream this, right? You asked me out ?" i asked him, still shocked. He nodded his head. "But i shouldn't had asked you this." He tried to walk away again but i pulled him back. "Yes" i said to him. He looked confused. "Yes?" I nodded my head. "Yes, i wanna go out with you Soonyoung." i said while i was blushing. A surprised look was on his face but it turned quickly into a smile. "Really?? You mean it? You don't make fun of me ?" he asked me. I let out a giggle and shooked my head.
"No, i'm serious. I wanna go out with you. For real." I smiled back at him. He looks so happy right now. I felt my heart goes fast just by looking how much he smiled. "Okay. I will plan the whole thing and then i will tell you the date. It will be the best date that you will ever get. I promise." he said. He was so enthusiastic. I just could laugh at him. He was so cute. "I look forward to it. Good Night Soonyoung." I wanted to go straight to bed but i hesitated and kissed him on his cheek. "Sleep well." i said and walked to my room.

I let myself fall on my bed and i couldn't stop smiling. He really asked me to go out with him. Does it mean likes me too? I felt like telling Jeonghan, so i texted him.


I hope he is awake, it's so late already. I heard a door and then someone running. My door opened and revealed Jeonghan. "What's wrong Jihoon?" he asked while walking to me."Is my baby hurt? Who should i kill?" he hugged me tight. "Hyung ,you are killing ME." i said. He let me go. "I'm sorry but what's wrong?" he asked with a worried look. I looked at him and suddenly smiled again. "Soonyoung asked me out." I could feel that my cheeks grow hot. I could see that his eyes widened. "Really? Oh, Jihoon. I am so happy for you." he smiled and hugged me again. "Thank you. I am really really happy." He let go of me and cupped my cheeks with his hands. "If Soonyoung really likes you, you can expect a perfect date. You know how he is when he likes something." I nodded my head. "Yeah but i don't think i can sleep the next days. He said he will plan everything and he will tell me then. I am so nervous." i said while biting at my bottom lip. Jeonghan patted my head. "Everything will go well. The most important thing is, that you both have fun and that you like each other." he said with a loving smile. I smiled back. "Thanks hyung but you can go now. I am tired." I walked to my bed and laid down. I heard him open the door."Good Night Jihoon." he said and closed the door. While i tried to sleep, all i could think of was Soonyoungs smile. I can't wait to go on this date with him.

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