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Soonyoung POV

Finally it's my birthday. I am so excited and nervous, that i didn't slept at all.  I was wandering at our dorm, to see if my members were already awake but of course nobody was. So i just sat at our kitchen and waited for them. One hour passed, then two hours but i didn't hear a single thing. As the time goes by, my excitement was getting down and at some point i was getting sad. Did they forgot? was my thought. I looked at the clock and saw, that it was already 11 am. I was getting hungry too, so i just grabbed my Jacket and left the dorm. When i walked to my favourite Café, i looked at the sky and smiled because the sun was so warm. I let out a sign. I looked ahead and saw the sign from the Café. I opend the door and walked to the shelter, to get my long waited Coffee and breakfast. By the time i walked here, it was already 11:30 am and i didn't get one single phone call. So they just forgot. I was dissappointed at them. How could they forget, when i talked about my birthday every single day for the past Week. I started to get angry. As i waited for my breakfast, i get a phone call. I looked at the display and read Jeonghan. Oh how nice. I answerd it and i was not friendly.


Whats with this attitude and where are you?

Why do you care ?

Whats wrong with you? Please come home. I wanna talk to you Soonyoung.

But i don't wanna talk to you. See you later hyung.

And with that, i ended the call. Maybe i was a bit harsh but i am just so angry. I quickly finished my breakfast, payed and left the Café.  I thought about to got to the park near the Café. When i was closed to it, i heard my phone ringing again. I rolled with my eyes and instantly regret this action, when i saw that it was Jihoon. Just by reading his, i was getting calmer.

Hi Jihoon.

What do you mean Hi ?? First you disappeard from the dorm,  then i you talked like shit with Jeanghan and now all you say is Hi? What is your problem ??? We are waiting here for you. Come home, when your problem is solved and you talk like a normal person again.

He finished the last sentence and ended the call. Tears started to form in my eyes. Jihoon was so so angry and i regretted everything already. I wiped the tears away and started to walk back to the dorm. I hope, when i'm there nobody will be angry anymore.

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