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Jihoon POV

I saw him leaning in and i closed my eyes feeling exciting about our first kiss. But it never came. Instead, i heard a phone ringing. Soonyoung backed away and stuttered a Sorry, before he answered his Phone. I could feel, that i started to get mad. Everytime, something or someone would disturbed us. It was so frustrating. While he talked with someone on his phone, i walked back to my Computer and turned it off. I heard him saying bye and he walked back to me. "That was Seungcheol. They wanna have a get together with everyone and wants us to come home." I nooded my head."I thought so. I turned my computer already off so we can go. Maybe we have some time tomorrow and work on the song again." i said while smiling at him. I walked past him and waited at the door for him.

When we arrived at the dorm, we could already hear the others. " You can go to them. I wanna change in something more comfortable." i said and walked to my room. When i closed my door, i took a deep breath. The whole ride back, neather one of us talked. It was so akward. I don't want it to be that way. I changed in my pyjamas and walked back to the others. When i arrived, they sat already on the floor and waited. "Finally you are here. We waited so long." i heard Seungkwan whining. I rolled my eyes. "You could have started with what you want to do. By the way , what are we gonna do anyway?" i asked. " We wanna talk about how things are at the moment and if there are any Problems." answered Seungcheol. I nooded my head and sat between Mingyu and Jun. I looked at Soonyoung at saw that he was already looking at me. When our eyes meet he smiled shyly and i could see his cheeks grow pink. It looked so cute. "So who wants to start? Or is here someone who wants to talk about something? "Jeonghan asked while looking around our group. Hansol rised his hand asked: " It's not something important but i wanted to know how the song writing went." I looked at Soonyoung. He smiled. "It went really well. We talked about a Theme and startet to write. But i wanted to think about it again and maybe brainstorming a bit. We wanted to continue tomorrow, if we have the time." I smiled by his statement. "I couldn't agree more." i said.
We talked all evening about our worrys. It was kinda refreshing to put some of our chest. That's what i love about our friendship. We were like family and if someone had a hard time, we try our best to help him.

It was past midnight already and some where already in bed. Soonyoung lied on the ground and was sleeping peacefully. Just Wonwoo, Seungcheol and me were awake. "So i will go now too. Good Night." Seungcheol said and quickly after that Wonwoo left too. I wanted too but i couldn't let Soonyoung sleep on the ground. So i walked to him and went down to wake him up."Hey Soonyoung, wake up. Your bed is more comfortable." i shaked him a bit. Slowly his eyes opened. "Jihoonie?" he asked with his sleepy voice. How i love it when he talked so low. " Yeah, it's me. Get up and go to your bed." i said while standing up again. "Can you carry me please? I'm to sleepy to walk." he asked. I rolled my eyes but went down, so he could get on my back. I took him and walked to his room. I laid him slowly on his bed and brought his blanket above him. He was already sleeping again but with a smile on his face. He looked so cute and handsome. I couldn't take it and went down to kiss him on his forehead. I whispered "Good Night" and left his room. While i went to mine, i though to myself "Damn Jihoon. You are so whipped for him."

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