Chapter 2

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    "I can't believe you and Adrien had another baby born with a full head of hair!" Alya exclaimed, gingerly reaching over to loop a piece of Emma's dark hair around her finger.
   "She looks so much like you..."

Marinette smiled, glancing down to admire her little girl who simply nuzzled into the pink blankets as she suckled on to her pacifier.
   "I know, I'm actually glad I have a mini me." Marinette admitted bashfully.
    "Louis takes after his father and now I'm glad Emma takes a bit after me. So there's a mini Mari and a mini Adrien too."

   Alya snorted at her comrade's comment.
  "That sounds a little narcissistic..." the female teased, holding her arms out implying that she wanted to hold the little one.

  Marinette carefully placed the new born into Alya's arms.
  Alya cooed, glancing down at the baby who remained peacefully asleep.
The baby had been passed around quite a lot that evening, it was almost like a lullaby to her.

   "She's beautiful, Marinette..." Alya whispered. The brunette carefully glanced over to Nino who peered over her shoulder to get a better look at the baby.
   Nino smiled, reaching down to caress his finger over the baby's freckled cheek.

   "Kinda makes me want one..." Nino smiled.

   Alya carefully nudged her boyfriend,  small blush on her cheeks.

"You can't have that one..." Marinette chuckled. "I just got her..." the blunette glanced down at her son, who was nuzzled into her sides as they awaited Adrien to return with some food in the cafeteria.

   "You can't have this one either..." Marinette wrapped her arm around her son and tugged him closer. Her blue eyes teasingly peered over to her friends as they both cooed over her newborn.

"Guess that means you'll have to get your own."

   Alya snorted, very carefully passing the baby over to Nino who began to rub his nose against the little one's nose.

   "I guess that means we do..." Alya's voice was tender as her hand very gently began to slide over towards Nino's arm.

"We really should be going..." She murmured, very carefully standing up to stretch. "I'm having dinner with Nino's parents and I don't want to be late. I really want them to like me."

  Marinette perked her brow, her lips pursing as her blue eyes flickered between the two.
  "Oh? Dinner with parents? Sounds like you guys are getting serious..."

Nino very gently stood up, passing Emma back to her mother who was incredibly anxious to get her  baby back.

  "They already like you..." Nino rasped as he stood up straighter. "You're just being paranoid..."

   Alya crossed her arms, her head shaking with a warm smile.
"You can never be too sure, Nino..." her eyes shifted back to the little one in Marinette's arms.

   "Anyway... congrats on the new bundle of joy. I promise we will be here when you guys get home tomorrow." Alya assured, leaning down to press a gentle kiss on her forehead.

   Marinette closed her eyes, a blush forming on her cheeks as Nino leaned down to kiss her head as well.
She felt like a child with a child. Nino and Alya were like her parents and she didn't know why that thought seemed funny to her.

   "Enjoy your dinner you two." Marinette smiled, watching as her friends waved to her and exited.

The bluenette sighed, glancing down at her baby who began to wiggle around in her blanket.
    Louis had trouble keeping his eyes open. A small whimper escaped his lips as he nuzzled into his mother's side.

Miraculous: Marinette's Wedding (Final Sequel Of The Marinette's Baby Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now