Chapter 23

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A/N: Still not the last chapter simply because I'm a horrible author and a terrible filthy liar.
Sorry for any grammatical errors.


It was indeed the ungodly hours of the morning.
Marinette barely had any sleep. She knew her wedding day was only nearing close and despite her being so happy that it was finally happening, she couldn't shake the nervousness of wanting the day to go according to plan.
She thought about fixating herself on coffee and perhaps some caffeinated tea until the ceremony was over and even then she couldn't promise herself sleep afterwards.

Marinette often reflected on her relationship with Adrien. She couldn't help but to pinpoint every sticky situation that life put them through. It started with her unplanned pregnancy with Louis and the issues they suffered from there.

There was an issue with her lack of communication where she allowed Nathan to worm his way between them, which she knew was entirely her fault, then there was Lila who couldn't let go of Adrien, which ultimately led to the death she couldn't remember and Adrien suffered through and then there was Felix, who had a vendetta against Adrien for being who he was and ultimately killed him which Marinette couldn't forget.
She wondered if they could ever raise their children normally. Marinette knew Adrien had trouble sleeping, and in fact she'd often wake up in the middle of the night to find that he was wandering around the house or simply laying down until the sun came up.
So when Marinette woke up to find that Adrien wasn't in bed, she wasn't the least surprised.

But once he ushered her to get out of bed and leave their children behind so that he could show her something that was meant to be a wedding present, she was a little more than reluctant.

Marinette yawned, holding a cup of coffee in her hand. She sunk more so into the passenger seat of the car. The sun had barely made its peak but Marinette was more than ready to go.

It was actually quite nice that they got to drive on their own this time around. It was a nice gesture that Adrien's bodyguard drove them when they needed it, but there was a pleasurable sense of freedom and privacy whenever Adrien got to drive.

She hadn't the slightest idea where Adrien was taking her, but she couldn't keep her mind off the children they left sleeping at home.
"We're bad parents..." Marinette sighed, bringing the paper cup to her lips to take a languid sip. "We left our babies alone."

Adrien chuckled, slowly turning a corner. His green eyes remained fixated on the dark road ahead of them. A smirk tugged at his lips the moment Marinette spoke.

"We didn't leave them alone." Adrien refuted respectfully. "We left them with Plagg and Tikki. They're in good hands."

"We left them with two very small creatures who aren't from anything this earth created. For all we know, they could be toys." Marinette whined, sinking into her seat with a grimace. "We basically left them alone to sleep."

Adrien shook his head, leaving one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand moving over to find hers in the dark beside him.

"They may be small creatures, but they are wiser than the both of us combined. I'd say they have the experience, its especially because they've been watching over hundreds of heroes and watched them grow over the years of being the sole source of energy. They helped keep Paris safe over the years. I'm sure they can watch the children while we are out. Plus, they're magic. I think theyll be safe." Adrien explained, allowing the soft music to envelop them completely.

Marinette sighed, unable to help herself. She continued to reflect back to the trauma they both endured by losing each other. It was a given that she learned to appreciate him better and she knew he never took the time he spent with their family for granted, but she often wondered if it would somehow affect the way they parented their children.
It left her second guessing her role as Ladybug.

Miraculous: Marinette's Wedding (Final Sequel Of The Marinette's Baby Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now