Chapter 8

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"You don't look so well, dude." Nino commented, pressing the opening to his beer bottle to his lips.
    Adrien sighed, slouching forward.
He wasn't particularly excited to go out this evening, but he couldn't let his friends down. He and Alya both planned this evening for the both of them.
Traditionally, it was normal for them to want a nice time before the wedding ceremony.

   The blonde could barely hear the music booming around them at the bar, all he could focus on was keeping his eyes open.
   The bags under his eyes didn't go unnoticed by Nino, the male had grown concerned for his buddy's lack of enthusiasm.
   It wasn't normal, especially because Grooms are usually happy before they are to be married to the woman of their dreams.

    Adrien shook his head lightly, fiddling with the bottle in his hands as he attempted to stifle a yawn.
"No, no-" the model protested, reaching up to rub his eyes. "I really am glad to be here. I just haven't been able to get much sleep the past few days..."

   "That's blatantly obvious..." Nino sighed, taking a sip of his drink. "You look like you haven't slept in ages. The music is pummeling through my chest and you're about to fall asleep! What's wrong, buddy?" He asked, cocking his head to the side as Adrien pressed his elbows against the bar to rub his temples.

   "Felix has been saying some trippy stuff lately. If I hadn't known any better I feel like he could be Hawkmoth himself. He's being a thorn in my side." Adrien conceded, the stress he was under finally enticing him to take a sip of his beer. "I swear it starts to feel like I'm in a time loop after awhile. I get so anxious I have nightmares."

  Nino furrowed his brow, shaking his head. "Damn, has he always been that way?" The male asked, his heart thumping against the beat of the music.

   Adrien reached up to rub his temples with a low groan.
  "He's been like this for as long as I could remember."

    Nino shook his head, his lips pressing together as he twirled the beer bottle in his hand. "Let's get together and take him out then."

  Adrien pursed his lips in contemplation. It was an idea he was receptive to, but then again it just seemed like something that would cause more problems for him and Marinette in the future.
   "No, as tempting as it sounds...I dont think that's a good idea..."

  Nino chuckled, a wide grin on his face as he raised his bottle.
   Adrien smiled weakly, reaching up and clanking his bottle against Nino's in a notion of solidarity.

   "It doesn't seem like a good idea...for now..." Adrien muttered under his breath.


   Marinette hummed, pulling her hair up into a bun. She was quite reluctant to hand her children over, even if it was to her parents.

Emma was still so young, it made Marinette nervous to be away from her even if it was for a couple of hours. It was the same when she was with Louis. But even then, she lived with her parents at the time, it made things easier somehow.
     The blunette only had a few hours to herself before Alya would arrive to whisk her away to a comfortable girl's dinner and perhaps a movie when they returned home with some cupcakes.
   Marinette was definitely looking forward to it. She had managed to pump a few bottles in the time she was left with and Marinette couldn't help but to feel proud of herself.

As a teen, time managing was probably the one thing she was the most inept to. Anyone who knew her could vouch for that notion.
   Marinette had just applied her makeup and was dressed comfortably for the occasion.

   "No heels tonight?" Tikki asked, poking her head out from Marinette's dark locks.
  Marinette chuckled, pressing her glossy lips together to spread the makeup along them.
   "No. I think I'd be more comfortable wearing my flats. I've always worn them and ankles still swell." She chuckled. "I dont want to break them."

Miraculous: Marinette's Wedding (Final Sequel Of The Marinette's Baby Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now