Chapter 9

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Author's note:
Hello my loyal readers!
    I have made an author's note similar on my other story about the update schedule.
Updates are to be published every Saturday. If I reach a certain milestone I will post earlier, and if there are any delays they will be announced on my wattpad account under the same pen name.
   I updated early because of my friends wedding and if there are some grammatical errors I apologize in advance. I wanted to get this out to you guys as I won't have time to update over the weekend.
   Thanks for understanding!!

Adrien sighed, his phone feeling heavy in the palm of his hand.
   He never received photos on his phone from family quite often and on the slim chance that he did, he didn't really care for it.
  His extended family liked to show off the extravagant trips they'd often go to and Adrien would also often be the one having to see it.
   He never gave it the time of day. Adrien wasn't the gloating type, perhaps Chat Noir was, but that was a totally different persona.
      This photo in particular, seemed to have caught his eyes. He had known Marinette for many many years and it was quite awkward to see his blushing wife smushed up against Felix with a drink in her hand.
    He found it a bit odd.
As far as he knew, Marinette and Felix didn't know one another. She was nursing and didn't drink and Marinette usually would have told him if someone was supposed to be over, especially someone like Felix.

   Adrien felt his heart sink, wondering if something was up that he wasn't supposed to know about but he couldn't help but to feel like Felix was up to something.

   He was always up to something.


    "Ew.... he actually said he loved you? Are you sure he wasn't being a troll?" Alya asked, her eyes glancing up at Marinette who squeezed into her wedding dress.
  The girls had just returned from seeing a movie and enjoying a dinner together, while it was fun, Marinette couldn't wait to get back home. She had promised Adrien that she'd try on the dress that Gabriel and Audrey had collabed on.
   The blunette slipped the dress on, her blue eyes admiring the way it perfectly hugged her body.
  It actually fit.

       "Y-Yeah. He pointed out how he met me when we were literally like four..." Marinette explained, turning over to glance at herself in the mirror. "I-I mean it would have been more believable if he wasn't such a creep. He was so rude. He seems to have something against Adrien..." Marinette glanced back at Alya who reopened the wine bottle that Felix had brought.

   Marinette gasped, her eyes widening as Alya popped the worn out cork and began to smell into it. The brunette curiously pressed her lips to the opening and took a sip before she nodded in approval.
   "Why are you drinking that break's death wine?!" The blunette exclaimed, her hands clutching the the bottom of her dress so that she could walk into the other room and scowl Alya.
   "What?" Alya immediately defended, placing the bottle back on to the counter. The female attempted to plug the cork back into it to no avail.
  "I'm not pregnant, technically I can drink this. I won't let a whole ass bottle of wine go to waste."

   Marinette sighed, rolling her eyes as she stumbled towards the living room. She plopped herself on the couch with a grimace.
    "I'm trying to be serious here." The blunette grimaced. "I knew he was bad when Adrien mentioned him, but I didn't think he was this bad."

   Alya wandered over towards the sofa, sitting beside her gently. The female fumbled for the remote that somehow got lodged between the cushions.
   "Are you going to tell Adrien about it?" The brunette asked, flipping on the smart tv. "You know, about the whole Felix claiming he was in love with you since you were a toddler confession."

Miraculous: Marinette's Wedding (Final Sequel Of The Marinette's Baby Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now