Chapter 7

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Adrien felt dead.
He couldn't find it in himself to move.

He remembered this place.
He remembered the way the eerie pink lights lit up the pale tan wall.

There was an overwhelming floral aroma that surrounded him, and Adrien shivered.

He had never felt so cold in his life. The room he stood in was dim and Adrien swore he could hear the faint sounds of crying.
The blonde turned his head towards the sound, seeing nothing in the first glance, but a dreadful picture came into view.

Sabine wore only black, and her eyes were swollen with tears as the woman hunched over in agonizing pain.

His green eyes shifted towards Thomas who held his wife in his arms.
The man's face flushed a deep red as he gripped on to Sabine. He held her close to him, attempting to comfort her but it was too obvious that the man was in a great deal of pain himself.
Louis stood beside the couple, a solemn yet confused look on his face. The toddler occasionally looked at him, but often averted his gaze to the scenery ahead of him.
He was often tempted to approach someone, or something but the moment he left his grandparents' side, he was immediately reprimanded.
Nathalie appeared beside Adrien, her face remaining completely impassive.
Adrien heard his own sobs emanating from within him, but he couldn't move. He wasn't in control of what was going on around him.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" His voice was low and sharp. "My father couldn't make it to his own daughter in law's funeral. You'd think if he cared about his family, he'd be here to mourn with us, to help us grieve. This is the only time we need to be together-"

Adrien winced at his own words towards Nathalie.
He could still feel the anguish and hurt from that day. His father had abandoned him yet again when he had needed his guidance the most.

Adrien was left out to drown, but Adrien couldn't find it in him to continue. He was becoming a bad father as well.
What his father did to him for many years, he had started to reflect on to Louis.
Adrien knew it wasn't Nathalie's fault, but in that moment, he needed to express the pain he felt deep inside, or something much graver was going to happen. It didn't go unknown that Adrien had taken this death to heart.
Before Adrien could even comprehend what, he was reliving, he found himself moving. His heart began to pound into his chest as he floated into darkness.

It was as if he was levitating, floating around Limbo without an option of choice.
The blonde froze, remaining still as he found himself stalling.
"You see what you did?" A voice reprimanding him which emanated from his left. "You did this! Look at what you've done!"
Adrien felt sick to his stomach. He knew Felix's voice from anywhere.
The blonde squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head as his heart began to hurt inside of his chest.

It wasn't long before Felix appeared beside him, his skin flushed to a disgusting pasty color. His eyes were wide, and his pupils were tiny. The expression he bore was nothing but pure hatred and disgust.

Adrien opened his eyes the moment Felix gripped on to his shoulders, his nails digging into Adrien's skin.
"Look! Look at what you did!" Felix demanded. "Look at the mess you made. Look at all the families you've destroyed!"
Adrien tried to push him off, but his feet were stuck. He couldn't move an inch even if he wanted to.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about! I didn't do anything!" Adrien cried out, tears pooling in the edges of his eyes.

"Of course, you didn't-" Felix replied snidely, his teeth bearing from between his lips. "You doing nothing is what caused this mess!" The male placed his hands on to Adrien, shoving him with great force that Adrien was finally able to move back as he stumbled. "This is all your fault!"

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