Chapter 13

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A/N: This was totally unrelated to the angst of today's episode. Sksks.

Anyway, this chapter is unedited. I will probably get the edited one updated in a couple of days. I've not slept in possibly weeks and my brain is jumbled up and there's so much unnecessary drama in my real life. So so much angst all the time. Someone help pls.

I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors as I'm sure there may be a few as you read on. I hope you guys will still enjoy.
The first part of this series is at nearly 200k reads and I dont think you guys realise how huge this is for me.

Thank you guy so so much! Words can not Express my gratitude and thank you to those who have read the first book and 3 more books later are still here.
I keep track of my reviews so I know who you awesome readers are! Expect a follow from me very soon!

Have a miraculous day and please stay awesome!


"You know her identity. Don't you?"

Adrien's eyes widened, the sound of Hawkmoth's voice echoed throughout his head.
The male could have sworn he heard this voice from somewhere before, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Why does that matter?" The blonde replied, his voice weary and strained. "I'll get you the jewels...whatever happens after that should be your own prerogative..." the male crossed his arms, his dark eyes glowered into the Parisian skyline.
He knew it was only a matter of time before Ladybug would show up.
Adrien kept true to his word, he had taken the children to a safe place completely unharmed. He intended to keep the promise he made to Louis by not hurting Marinette.

But how Hawkmoth demanded those miraculouses, it proved to be a harder task than he initially thought.

Adrien knew his wife.
He knew that she would fight him without hesitation, especially knowing that their kids weren't in their beds.

"She could lead us to Chat Noir..." Hawkmoth interjected. "After we take hers then she could-"

"Ladybug doesn't know Chat Noir's identity..."Adrien cut him off flaccidly. "He had been pining her for many years..." his eyes averted to the Eiffel tower at the memory. He could faintly remember how much she had rejected him before the discovered who they really were.

"I can get you Chat Noir's don't need to know Ladybug's secret identity. If by chance we do discover who she really take your jewels and can't do anything further with her."

    The was a pause...Adrien could feel his heart squeezing in his chest. He knew without a doubt that Marinette would be there any moment, but he wanted to make sure Hawkmoth wouldn't go harming her once he learned of her identity.

  "You're just gonna have to trust me. I get you both miraculouses...and you leave Ladybug alone after this..." Adrien muttered, his voice dropping lower as his eyes could very faintly make out a silhouette in the moonlight.
   He could spot his small framed Queen whisking away across the building's with her yoyo.

   "Do we have a deal hawkmoth...?" Adrien prompted, his brow furrowing as he could sense hesitation from his puppeteer.
  It wasn't long before Adrien could see the purple frame just above his eyes.

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