Chapter 3

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    Adrien chuckled, even when Marinette screamed she was still adorable.
  Granted, Adrien had gotten into the habit of surprising his little lady; despite the many instances where Marinette thoroughly explained that she wasn't too fond of surprises.

    "A wedding surprise!" Adrien chimed in, reaching over to tug on the wedding dress bag. "Now. I haven't seen it yet...but I'm sure it'll look beautiful on you..."

   Marinette felt her heart nearly jump out of her chest. Her skin becoming damp with sweat as her fingers lightly traced over Gabriel Agreste's namebrand seal alongside of the collab seal from Audrey Bourgeois.
   She had just gotten out of the hospital with their newborn, Marinette wasn't sure that she could even handle all of this at once.

   " do I even know if I fit in this?" Marinette asked, a small pout forming on her lips even as Tikki poked her head out to glance at her chosen.

   Adrien very gently wrapped his arms around her. His cheek pressed against hers delicately and he sighed.
   "Did you poop?" He asked, pulling back to look at her. "I think I read somewhere that women can't poop after they've given birth. Maybe you should try to take a really big poop and try on the dress..."

   Marinette sighed, her bangs falling flat against her face.
Sometimes she couldn't believe him. She felt like she was still involved with a teen.

   "I don't know where you've read that from...but since you asked, no. I have not pooped since we left the hospital." Marinette deadpanned. "But I doubt that it'd make the dress fit..."

    Adrien chuckled, his nose rubbing against her cheek.
"Just try it on. You'd be surprised..." his green eyes shifted over to the kwami on her shoulder.

"I suppose you're right..."Marinette sighed in response. She reached up and gripped on to the zipper of the dress cover. She was ready to undo it and finally have her first look at the dress that both Audrey and Gabriel had designed for her.

"Wait-" Adrien interjected, his eyes wide as he reached out and stilled her hands from moving any further.

  Marinette blinked, her lips parted as she breathed softly. She glanced back at him nervously, a small blush dusting against her freckled cheeks.

"W-What?" She asked, the male nearly frightening the air out of her.

   "You can't open it while I'm here..." Adrien pouted. "Its bad luck to see the dress before the wedding..."

   Marinette rolled her eyes, immediately letting go of the zipper.

"Fine...don't you have somewhere to be?" Marinette asked, perking a brow as her eyes briefly moved to her sleeping newborn in the baby rocker.

   Adrien pressed his lips together. He almost wanted to bail. Obviously not from the wedding, but from what duties came along with it.

   Adrien was meant to return to his father's mansion where he had to reintroduce himself to distant relatives who came to witness the event.

Some of them Adrien wasn't too fond of. That much was evident, even to his father.

   "Thanks for the reminder..." the blonde sighed, his green eyes shifted around the room. "Do you think I could borrow some company? You I won't be alone?" He inquired, perking a brow with a nervous glance.

   Marinette furrowed her brow, very gently crossing her arms. She parted her lips, about ready to say something when Adrien immediately cut her off.

Miraculous: Marinette's Wedding (Final Sequel Of The Marinette's Baby Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now