Final Chapter

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A/N: and here we the last chapter. Thank you guys so much for tje journey of this series. I had so much fun with it and I'm sorry I stretched it out longer than I had to. I suppose it was because I was so attached to these versions of the characters and had many ideas, I couldn't let them go.
  But for now, the Marinette's baby series is officially over.
I love you guys so much and I hope you give my other books a chance as I enjoy writing them very much so!
  Have a great year everyone!

Adrien inhaled.

His green eyes could pinpoint each painted paper angel that hung low from the ceiling. The air was warm inside the venue, and he could hear soft music playing from behind him. It was almost as if everything was white. Adrien was sure that he had died and went to heaven.

Everything he was witnessing, he had waited his whole life for. Never in a million years after his mother disappeared did Adrien ever believe that he'd experience this sort of happiness.

The guests were whispering among themselves and Adrien only grew more and more nervous. He pressed his lips together, adjusting the tie on his neck before nervously moving to his cuffs as he awaited for his bride to meet him. 

"You nervous?" Nino asked, standing behind Adrien with his hands clasped together in front of him. His brown eyes moved from the aisle back down towards Adrien who looked as though he wanted to pace back and forth.

"I'd like to say that I'm not, but I'm anxious. I know she'll be walking down to me, but I feel like I just want my bride right away." Adrien replied, his heart squeezing in his chest as he recalled meeting his bride as Ladybug.
Adrien couldn't help but to reflect fondly on the memories he had with his lady. Of course she had rejected him quite a few times during their riveting battles, but he had spent so much time chasing her. It was obvious that something was growing between them, and even though Louis was unexpected, Adrien couldn't help but to be immensely grateful to the little one. 
Louis' life brought not only Ladybug back into his life, but it brought Marinette in as well. He was able to raise a child with both his love and his friend. Marinette being Ladybug was simply the icing on the cake. If anyone were to be an awesome Ladybug it was sure to be Marinette. 

Of course it had some downsides. Being heroes put them in danger on a daily basis. Both he and Marinette experienced the death of each other, and despite it having an everlasting effect on them as people and as parents, they knew never to take advantage of anything between them ever again. 

They were both incredibly grateful that they had each other, their family, and the time they were able to spend together.
Neither Adrien nor Marinette would trade that for anything in the world. 

"You'll be fine, buddy." Nino whispered, shifting behind Adrien awkwardly as it almost appeared that he was nervous too.
Adrien smiled, his green eyes briefly moving over towards Felix who took his seat in the back of the aisle. 

The male sat beside Gabriel, his blue eyes glancing around the full room before eventually settling on Adrien who rather impatiently awaited Marinette's father to finally give her away to him. 

Adrien offered his father and his cousin a weak smile, his heart thumping away into oblivion as Felix offered him a smile in return.

Despite his cousin leaving a sour taste in his mouth during his childhood and during his brief stay for his nuptials, Adrien was thrilled that they could get on better terms.

Sabine sat at the front, her eyes remaining on Nino and Adrien as well as Alya who waited on the other side. Adrien could tell by the very look on Sabine's face that she was struggling to keep herself together. 

Miraculous: Marinette's Wedding (Final Sequel Of The Marinette's Baby Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now