Chapter 16

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A/N: Short chapter for the holiday. I'm sorry for how flip floppy I've been. The harassment I recieve for being in this fandom is insane and I contemplate leaving it many times.

   But then again, they dont pay my bills either so I shouldn't pay them attention.

Please pray for my mental health. Its deteriorating.

   Anyway, sorry for any grammatical errors. I'm losing it.


"Do you think you went too far?" Adrien asked, sitting on the ledge of the roof as Ladybug stood over Felix.

   The blunette glanced down at the Male, his body limp as he was totally knocked out.
   She shook her head, her eyes remaining fixated on Felix's bloody nose.
"No...he definitely deserves this..." she muttered under her breath. The reached back and pulled out the pair of socks from behind the wire of her yoyo.

   "At least I know what this is for..." she quickly glanced back at Adrien, her heart sinking as the male glanced down towards the street with a grimace.
   Ladybug could see the entry point in which Felix thrusted his weapon into his back. If she were to lean down, she could see right through his chest.
  The very thought of it almost made her crumble, but she had to keep herself composed.

   "I promise. I'm going to fix everything. I'm going to save you..." Ladybug assured, lacing her fingers into Felix's shirt so she could drag him to a satellite pole that sat perched atop the roof. She then pulled one spotted sock away from the pair.
    The heroine leaned forward, placing Felix's limp arms around the pole, where she stretched the sock and used it to tie him.

   Adrien glanced down, allowing Ladybug to tend to her business of confining his cousin. The blonde knew that if he decided to move, he could break even more so.
   He was barely hanging by a thread, parts of him were missing and Adrien knew that it resembled exactly how he felt.
    He didn't feel like a human being anymore, he felt like an empty shell, not living life but simply moving through it.

   As for right now he only had one goal; to get Ladybug to their children as fast as he could before he completely crumbled.

   "Are you ready?" Ladybug asked, approaching him and placing a hand on his shoulder.
   She gasped, her heart sinking once more the moment his shoulder crumbled beneath her soft touch. The blunette suddenly began to panic, her hands attempting to grab the pieces before the fell off the ledge.

   "No-" she breathed, her heart squeezing in her chest painfully. "No, no, no..."

    Adrien glanced up at her, remaining complaining inhibited by the fatal damages that had been done.
   "Ladybug..." he whispered, his hand lightly touching hers as he knew she was denying the inevitable.

"Can you tell Louis that I kept my promise?" He asked, his voice lowering into a low whisper.

   Ladybug shook her head, the heroine wanting to reach him, but knowing that anything she did would only shatter him even more.

   "Don't say that..." she murmured, her eyes glancing down to the distance between where they sat and to the ground. "You can tell Louis that yourself once you've taken me to where they are..."

   Adrien carefully laced his arms around Ladybug, using the little strength he had left to bring her closer to him in a taut embrace.
   His face remained impassive as his arm completely shattered, and Ladybug whimpered, feeling the pieces of him roll down her back and smash into dust the moment it fell to the ground.
  It was a risky move, but it sure as hell was worth it.

   Ladybug widened her eyes, immediately glancing down at the debris. It was almost as if she wouldn't accept the fact that Adrien was slowly disintegrating piece by piece.

  "I'm sorry..." she replied, her voice dropping low to a whisper as she wrapped her arm around him delicately. The heroine began to thwip her yoyo, launching the both of them into the skyline.

   She hopped effortlessly as Adrien held on to her. The blonde simply pointed into a familiar direction to which Ladybug was more than happy to follow.
   "Why are you sorry?" Adrien asked, each guest of wind, breaking off a piece of his face.

   Ladybug grimaced, her heart sinking deeper into her chest as she knew how cruelly she had used to treat him. Especially in the beginning when Gabriel tried to coerce him into separating away from her and Louis.

   "I'm sorry that I didn't take your trauma seriously. I knew that you were hurting over what you had to experience in the past...with what Lila  had forced him to see. I always got so frustrated that you kept asking if I were real..." her voice trailed off, her heart aching at the thought.
   "I didn't understand how you had I didn't pay mind to it. I always assured myself that one day you'd get over it..." the blunette paused, landing on a rooftop and glancing at her fiance who was missing half his face.

   Ladybug held on to him, knowing full well that her husband was dying.

   "I failed you..." she whispered. "I should have listened to you... I should have kept you away from Felix, I should have known and acknowledged your hurt...especially now knowing that I'd be going through the same thing..."

   Adrien blinked, black tears forming at the edges of his eyes before it began to roll down his cheeks, leaving a hot pool of steam in its wake.
Ladybug reached over, placing her hand on to the cool surface of his porcelain skin.

   "I know that I'm going to die..." Adrien whispered, his eyes shifting back towards where Marinette's used to reside when she lived with her parents, the symbols she designed herself was easily spotted against the dark windows but Ladybug couldn't bring herself to look at it just yet.

  "Please don't say it..." she breathed, unable to hear the truth even though she knew they were right.

   Adrien remained silence, not moving an inch even as Ladybug brushed her fingers against his skin.

"I can't feel you, Ladybug..." he whispered, his eyes moving back towards her once more. "I....I can't feel you..."

   Ladybug sniffled, her tears rolling down her eyes profusely.

    The blonde reached up, grabbing her hand from his face.

   "Do you remember where we used to hug outside the steps before class started?" He smiled weakly.
   "Do you remember when we first met? You didn't like me...but I tried my best to talk to you, and you flat out ignored me..." he chuckled.

   Ladybug cried softly, her cheeks growing pink as they rolled down her cheeks even more so.

   "O-Of course I do...we spent most of our lives at school. Before I had the courage to say anything to you, I'd always look forward to going into class...because I knew that would be when I saw you. I remember you'd sit by me after learning I was pregnant..." her eyes veered off as she recalled the memories they both created while in the classroom.

    "We started our lives there..." Adrien replied, his hand placing on to hers before that too completely disintegrated with the soft blows of the wind.

"And it looks like it'll be the last place you see me..."

    Ladybug pouted, her heart rapidly pounding in her chest as the wheels turned into her head.
  She couldn't fathom the idea of losing Adrien, but at least she had a clue.

" that where they are...? Are our babies in our old classroom...?" Her voice quivered, her entire soul aching at the idea of her beautiful blonde haired son, taking care of their little dark haired princess.

A piece of Adrien and a piece of Marinette would always remain in that classroom.

Miraculous: Marinette's Wedding (Final Sequel Of The Marinette's Baby Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now