Chapter 20

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   This story will be coming to an end very very shortly.

This chapter is unedited and may have some grammatical errors, I apologize for the inconvenience. I suck at writing.


"You know you have to talk to him..." Marinette murmured as she leaned into her bedsheets

   The pleasant aroma of Adrien's shampoo swarmed around their bedroom that emanated from the steam within their master bathroom.

Marinette felt content. She knew she didn't technically see Adrien die, but she knew something bad had happened to him.
  There was a sense of longing deep in the pits of her stomach and she finally understood why Adrien felt the way he did.

Marinette wanted to cherish the time she had with her fiance and her family. She wouldn't take anything for granted anymore.

   Adrien placed the bath towel to the side, he ran his hand through his blonde hair and he glanced back at his love who lay in the bed.

   "Are you talking about Felix?" Adrien inquired, his lips pursing in thought as he wandered back to their bedroom.
   Deciding that he was comfortable the way he was, Adrien climbed into the bed completely naked.
   He swathed his arms around his small lady in front of him and lightly tugged her close to his body.

  Marinette blushed, feeling his skin against hers even through her nightgown. She leaned more so into him, closing her eyes as their bodies remained taut naturally.

  "I wish I could say you're wrong, but it seems like it would be better to tie up loose ends. I don't think I want him wishing bad luck on our wedding day..." Adrien murmured, burying his face into the soft crook of Marinette's neck.

  Marinette yawned, stretching against him as she closed her eyes.
  "I think that's ideal..." she murmured softly, her body trembling as Adrien reached up to tug a lock of hair away from her neck.

   Adrien closed his eyes, his lips pressing against the soft pale space of her neck. He slid his hands down her hips, holding her against him as he helped himself to the soft skin at her shoulder.

   Marinette whimpered, her heart racing in her chest as she felt his lips travel back up her shoulders and behind her neck once more.
  The blunette parted her lips, her body growing warm at the simple touches.
   "Mmmm, I tried on the wedding dress." She breathed, biting her lip as Adrien hooked his fingers into the band of her underwear.

"Oh yeah?" Adrien mused, his lips moving towards her cheek as she turned over to lean into him better.
"I hope you liked it."

  Marinette giggled, her hips lifting as Adrien slipped her underwear off her hips, drawing them away from her body and tossing them to the side.

"I do like it!" Marinette piped, a small blush dusting her freckled cheeks as she rolled on to her back. "It fits like a glove."
  Adrien hummed, drawing away from her so that he could reposition himself above her.
    He glanced down at Marinette as she lay underneath him.

  She was truly a beauty, Adrien admired how her chest rose and fell with each breath, he loved the way her dark hair sprawled against the bright pillows beneath her head.

  Adrien admired each freckle that decorated her cheeks, he admired the pink undertones of her blush, he admired the blue wide eyes that he swore pierced into his soul.
   His heart hammered in his chest as her thick lashes framed her beautiful bright eyes, and for a brief moment Adrien could remember the last time he saw them.

Miraculous: Marinette's Wedding (Final Sequel Of The Marinette's Baby Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now