Chapter 22

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A/N: Please don't fret!
   This isn't the last chapter. I know I said that the next update would be the last chapter, but as I garnered through and assessed all of the chapters as a book in itself, I realised that there was no actual quality family time or characteristics regarding their baby Emma, especially with all of them as a family and I had to change that.
  It wouldn't feel right to end the story without any quality family time with Emma.

I hope you guys enjoy and I hope your forgive me!
   Please enjoy the useless family fluff! I'm sorry for making you guys wait so long

Marinette glanced at herself in the mirror.
She was quite glad that Felix and Adrien had managed to mend things.

She was also quite grateful that he didn't remember what Ladybug had done to him during their escapades.

The last thing she wanted was for Felix to somehow come up with a convoluted plan to take down Ladybug because he decided to be spiteful abele for socking him in the face.

Marinette had also made sure to be careful while being ladybug, especially around Adrien and Felix, as far as she was concerned Felix didn't suspect a thing.

She had to admit that she was still a little bit nervous to have Felix over to be a part of their wedding. Part of her worried that there is still a bit of doubt inside Felix, but there is still a bit of vendetta that he wanted to get out.

But Adrien trusted him, Adrien had a good sense of judgment as far as Felix went. She would only have to trust in Adrien's sense of judgment.

He was still considered family after all.

Marinette would only have to put her trust into her new family.

She had set an alarm for early the next morning. She was expected to be at her mother’s and father's house bright and early to meet Alya so that they could all prepare for the wedding ceremony the next morning.

It has felt like forever since Adrien proposed and Marinette felt incredibly antsy.

She just wanted to marry him already!

Marinette placed her toothbrush under the running water before she quickly rinsed her mouth and she set it aside.

She washed off her face and then patted it dry with a soft towel before she shut off the light and wandered back out into the hallway.

She bit her lip, listening to Louis hum from the other side of the wall.
The sound was a lot closer than she had anticipated and Marinette couldn't help but wonder where Louis wandered off to.

He was growing to be a big boy right before her eyes, and despite having a new little one to care for, Marinette couldn't help but feel a little sad that her little one was growing so fast

It was only a matter of time before he stopped asking her to read him bedtime stories, or make him chocolate milk, or to give him kisses, or even sleeping in her bed.

Marinette truly cherished those moments the most.

Being a mother, especially at her young age was challenging, but she wanted to enjoy her children as best as she could.

Because one day, they won't be around anymore, and that thought shattered her to pieces.

It was true that she had Adrien, but it was also true that the love she had for her children was unlike any other love she had ever experienced.

Marinette poked her head into their bedroom, a small smile nudging on to her face as Louis lay on the spot beside Adrien.

Plagg curled into Louis' thick locks, his eyes closed as he tried to ignore the commotion and sleep as best as he could.

Miraculous: Marinette's Wedding (Final Sequel Of The Marinette's Baby Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now