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Marinette sighed as she placed a box down onto the pink counter of her new boutique.
   She reached up to wipe the sweat off her brow and ran a hand through her bangs to allow some air on to her skin.

She appreciated that her parents offered to take care of both Emma and Louis while she was away and setting up. Marinette was more than pleased with how it was slowly coming together.
She had so many helpful people in her life, she couldn't have asked for a better crowd.

"Marinette!" Felix rasped, stepping into the boutique with a large mirror. His cheeks grew pink from the warmth and exercise, and Marinette could tell he was struggling with the heavy object.
"Where do you want this?"

Her blue eyes widened as Luka followed close behind Felix. He reached down, grabbing the mirror to even out the weight so that Felix wouldn't drop it

  "Actually! That could go into the back room!" Marinette instructed nervously. She bit her lip, watching as both men began to carry the large mirror towards the back. "Be careful!" She breathed, flinching as Felix knocked his head on a shelf by the door.

   Marinette sighed, a warm smile on her lips as Nino walked by her, holding a couple of boxes into the designer's worker's room. She could feel the excitement bubble into her toes. She had a boutique to run and she had a whole two stories to herself.
   Marinette had planned to make the entire first floor all about her clients and the second floor all about working. She was going to sew and create her clothing upstairs and she had a model who could display them for her.

   She clasped her hands together, a small blush dusting her freckled cheeks.

   "Enjoying the sweaty men view?" Adrien asked, his voice immediately drawing her from her dream thought. "I mean, there are a lot of us here today."

   Marinette sighed, rolling her eyes at her husband's remark. She glanced over to him, reaching over to fix the wrinkles on his T-shirt.

   "Yes, because that's why I asked for all this help." She replied, giggling softly before she stood on her tippy toes and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.
  Adrien chuckled against her lips, placing his hand on her lower back and kissing her in return.
   Marinette furrowed her brow as she felt her phone buzz in her back pocket. She subtly pulled away from Adrien who whined in disappointment.

   "Oh...come on. I thought I'd get more kisses when we got married." Adrien retorted playfully.

  Marinette hummed, sliding her phone out of her back pocket and glancing at the screen. She pursed her lips, her thumb scrolling through the messages on her phone.

   "Its my mom." Marinette explained. "Louis started throwing up." She glanced up at him with a small smile before she leaned into him. "But don't worry, I'll give you a ton of kisses when I come back. We can call it a day for now."

   Adrien frowned, placing his hand on her waist once more as he worried about his son back at his in laws.
   "Oh. So you're gonna leave me here with the ghost?"

Marinette pouted and she wrapped her arms around him.
   "You can always come with me. We can send the guys home and we can finish up tomorrow."

   Adrien shook his head, dropping his hands from her waist with a weary smile.
   "Its fine, don't worry about it. I'll clean around a bit while you're out. That way we won't waste anymore time and we'll do less tomorrow when we come back."

  Marinette pursed her lips, slowly moving away from him as she placed her phone back into her pocket.
"Are you sure?" She asked, perking her brow as she ignored the noise that Nino, Felix and Luka made while they put things away.

Miraculous: Marinette's Wedding (Final Sequel Of The Marinette's Baby Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now