Chapter 15

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    In memory of back in the day a few months ago of my dream for the first part of this book would reach 200k

Shout out to Freddy101 who was the first to encourage!

Y'all don't know how grateful I am and how important this is to me because it's my very first fanfic that I was into and completed.
    I am currently editing the entire series book by book so that my future readers could enjoy it a bit better. There may be some spelling errors in this. I sincerely apologize in advance!
Please enjoy this early update in celebration of 200k reads!

Thank you so much. I love you guys so so so so much!!

 I love you guys so so so so much!!

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It was as if everything was happening way too fast for Marinette to comprehend.

     Ladybug widened her eyes, her heart hammering in her chest as the heroine watched Felix drag Adrien towards the ledge of the roof.

    Ladybug wasn't prepared for Felix's arrival, and she certainly wasn't prepared to feel the anger that quickly bubbled into her veins.
  Her fists clenched, her heart aching in her chest as her patience for Felix had finally ran its course.
    She was tired of him constantly infiltrating their lives, his impertinence and his ego.
   Since the very first time she had met him, he had been nothing but pushy and disgusting.

   Even as Ladybug summoned her lucky charm, she couldn't quite concentrate on what to do with the clue she was supposed to use it for.
     All she could think about was Adrien's well being and the removal of Felix.

    The blunette glanced down at the pair of socks in her hands with a look of confusion.
   She pressed her lips together, clutching on to the clothing with frustration.

   With a quick whip of her yoyo, Ladybug took the risk of launching it towards Adrien's leg, quickly snatching the fragile Male right out from Felix's grip.

   Ladybug reached out, capturing Adrien in her arms before he could smack against the roof and cause anymore damage to him.

   Adrien clamored his hand at the hole in his chest, his eyes glanced up at her, as the black tar that seeped into her suit and burned her skin.

   The blunette glanced up at Felix who stood to face her with a look of disdain.

   "Ladybug...." Felix muttered. "You're protecting the wrong person. He's the garbage, I'm the civilian."

    Ladybug shook her head, her heart racing as adrenaline pumped through her veins.
    "If you touch him again, I swear I will kill you..." she hissed through her teeth, her eyes narrowing. "I'm sick of you trying to ruin people's lives...I've heard what you did to him, and frankly, I don't think I'd like to protect someone whose obviously trying to kill his own relatives..."

   Felix chuckled, standing up straight to fix the cuff on his sleeve.
   "Ah, so Adrien vented about me? Not surprised...the crush he had on you back when we were teens was kind of creepy..."

   Ladybug rolled her eyes, her facade remaining firm despite her heart sinking in her chest at the thought of their much younger selves.

    "You don't want to fight me..." Ladybug reiterated. "Don't force me to either..."

   Felix chuckled, his eyes locked onto Adrien who lay beside her.
   Adrien exhaled, the energy draining from his body as he lifted himself up. On shaking feet, the Male attempted to stand, each time a piece of him crumbling to the ground like shards of glass.

    Ladybug widened her eyes, immediately turning her attention to Adrien who struggled to stay put.

   "N-No..." Ladybug breathed, her hand immediately reaching up to catch the pieces of him that fell. "Adrien- Please don't force yourself-"

    "Leave him be." Adrien interjected, the cracks on his face deepening, threatening to fall. "Its not worth it..."

  Ladybug struggled remained together herself, tears pooled into her eyes as she reached out to him, wanting to caress his face like she did many times to Chat Noir.

   "But....But Adrien-" the blunette protested, her heart aching in her chest the more she realised that Adrien was completely falling apart.

   "I'll take you to the children now, while I'm still here and it won't be too late..." Adrien murmured softly, a weary smile on his face as he had every intention to reveal the location of their kids to Ladybug before the ultimate end.
  He knew it.
     He knew Ladybug knew it as well.
With how he was going, it wasn't long before he would no longer be with them.

But Adrien wanted to see their kids one last time. He wanted to show Louis that he had kept his promise.
He didn't hurt his mother, despite the damage that his cousin did.

    Adrien wished he had enjoyed his life more. He was back where he started once more, taking advantage of the throws of life instead of thoroughly living it.

    "Let's go, Ladybug..." Adrien breathed, his voice quivering as his hand very softly and casually slipped into her hand, ushering her to move away from Felix.

     Felix watched the two, his face twisting in complete disgust.
He wasn't sure what kind of thing was going on between the two of them.

    The Male clenched his fists, his heart racing in his chest as Adrien always got everything.

   Adrien got the fame.
   Adrien got the fortune.
   Adrien got the girl.

  The recognition, the popularity.
The happy ending with a new family.

It just wasn't fair.
   Felix clenched his jaw, grinding his teeth as the more he thought about it, the more he was beginning to lose his composure.

   He couldn't say it anymore than he already had said it.

  He couldn't stand his cousin.
  Felix just wanted him out of his life and perhaps out of this living planet.

  His chest heaved, anger boiling into his veins as Ladybug began to snake her arms around Adrien's waist about ready to zip off into the Parisian skyline with Adrien at her side.

  But he couldn't let that happen.
There was no way that he could allow Adrien to have his happy ending while he was left alone in the dark.

   Felix felt his blood pulsates through his veins rapidly.
   It was only a matter of moments before instinct took over. He didn't care what happened to him afterwards, he allowed himself to be controlled by his hatred for his cousin.

   Even if it meant that he would be shunned by his family and his peers, even if it meant he would be pummeled by Ladybug, he was going to get rid of Adrien.

    Felix grunted, leaping towards Adrien as fast as he could. He bounded against the roof, inching closer and closer to Adrien, attempting to smash whatever what was left with him.

   In a blur, Felix widened his eyes, his pupils dilating as he was instead met with the mighty punch of Ladybug's fist.

Miraculous: Marinette's Wedding (Final Sequel Of The Marinette's Baby Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now