Chapter 14

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 A/N: Just to explain, when I say I'll update on a certain day, I don't mean the chapter will be out at the strike of midnight. I mean that it'll be out sometime that day. If I get it out by midnight, its probably because they're ready and edited. I probably didn't have anything to do and shouldn't be awake and decided to get it out.
   It also depends on my mood.

Fair warning, the chapter isn't edited and may have some grammatical errors. Please don't comment on every single misspelled word. I get it. At this point you aren't helping you're just being a butt. I'm looking for new editors to help me revise the entire series so that future readers could enjoy the content.
   Thank you guys so much for your patience and I may be stretching this series out more than I needed to, but I have a feeling it isn't done least for now.

Anyway, without further ado...



    It was almost as if her words had somehow pierced his soul.
Of course, she had said them to him many times before, but he had never heard her breathe them in such pain and agony.

  Adrien knew he had only one job to do, and that was to get her miraculous and return them to Hawkmoth. What he wanted to do afterwards, never really occurred to him.
He was well aware that Hawkmoth was using him and would most likely be rid of him the moment he got what he wanted.
   But Adrien felt like he didn't matter enough to care.
He had been used by many people he loved all of his life, his father especially.

All his father did was use him.
All his cousin did was use him.
All anyone ever did was use him.

   The Male hovered over the blunette, black tarred tears pooling at the edges of his eyes.
  The thick liquid stained his cheeks, dripping into the spaces beside the heroine who whimpered underneath his grip.

    Ladybug kept her eyes open, despite the sounds of the roof sizzling beside her from the burning tears that dripped off his face.

   "You're lying..." Adrien breathed, his voice quivering, almost as if he couldn't allow her words to sink into his head.
"You don't mean that..."

   Ladybug's chest quivered, sobs emanating from her throat as she reached up, taking his face into her hands affectionately.

"Adrien no, I mean it. I know I didn't tell you this as many times as I wanted to... but I promise you that I feel this with my heart. I've loved you for such a long time..." she whispered her gloved hands cascading down towards the scarf that sat around his neck.

     "Don't listen to her-" Hawkmoth spoke sharply within his head. "She's trying to trick you-"

Adrien paused, his eyes settling in deeply as he listened to what Hawkmoth had to say.

    "You're only saying that to capture my akuma..." Adrien replied slightly, the dark holes that was meant to be his eyes only grew darker somehow.

  Ladybug widened her eyes, her heart breaking that he would imply such a thing.
   "N-No!" She breathed, her hands remaining on her face as she shook her head. "I really do mean it, Adrien you know I wouldn't lie about something like this to you...." her blue eyes veered away, the blunette worried that Hawkmoth was listening in on their conversation.

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