Chapter 6

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"Wow! You've gotten so big!" Luka exclaimed, his hands lightly gripping Louis and lifting him into the air.
   The toddler widened his eyes, a big grin on his face as Luka began to bounce the child up and down into the air.
   Marinette glanced up at her friend as he played with her son. It had been awhile since she had seen Luka.
The last she heard from him was when he quit the fashion industry and went back on tour to play his music.

   He always told Marinette that she was his muse, the song that played in his head since the very first time they met. He had only gotten into the fashion industry by the scraps of his nails and his only purpose of doing that was to become close to Marinette.

She was grateful to see him again and from what she could tell, Louis was ecstatic to see his uncle Luka return.
   Marinette couldn't help but to feel a bit audacious. She had asked her friends including Luka to stop by the venue to help them set up for the wedding and the reception in a few days.

   Marinette was feeling too optimistic and because Adrien had the place reserved for a good two weeks, she was able to take her time and figure things out.
"So where's the princess?" Luka asked, holding Louis at his hip. The male averted his gaze back to Marinette who waved at Alya and Nino as they walked into the venue.
     "She's in her carriage. She's asleep, I wouldn't suggest waking her up. I can't feed her while we set things up. I'm scared it'll push me back."

   Luka shook his head, struggling with Louis as he squirmed, growing excited at the sight of Auntie Alya and uncle Nino. He placed the toddler down on to the ground, watching him run over to their mutuals.
   "I'd be more than happy to help you."

  Marinette was reluctant, she bit her lip and contemplated.
   "Are you sure? Asking out of the blue when you just came back just seems...kind of impertinent."

  Luka shook his head, not taking no for an answer.
"Of course I don't mind helping. This is your wedding. I'd want it to be as perfect as you." The male smiled at her sweetly.

   Marinette gently reached up to rub her cheeks, a deep blush brewing on to her skin as she inhaled.
   "Alright... but thank you." Her blue eyes shifted to Luka in sincere appreciation.


It wasn't Adrien's intention to break a sweat. He never knew so much work went into a wedding. He was well aware of the mental work as well as the emotional drainage, but Marinette really proved him wrong on this one.
They had spent all morning cleaning the floors, cleaning the windows and despite his friends showing up as well as his cousin- they still had a shit ton of work to do.

   His green eyes maneuvered over to Luka as he held baby Emma.
  Marinette soon approached Luka, her arm reaching around him to caress the newborn's face. Luka leaned down, rubbing his nose on the little baby's nose.

   Marinette giggled softly, leaning into Luka as the both of them admired the little dark haired princess.
Adrien could faintly hear Louis in the distance, moving the table cloths to the center where everyone would need them to set things up.

   "Can someone tell me why we're doing this instead of having the venue staff and servers do all of this back breaking work?" Felix asked from behind.

   Adrien immediately flinched, his attention drawing away from Marinette. The sound of his cousin's voice always sent shivers down his spine.
  He was sharp with the tongue and Adrien was all too familiar with his cousin's bullying. The last thing Adrien wanted to do was to have Felix here with he and his friends but his father insisted.

   Sometimes Adrien wondered if Felix and his father were in cahoots to make his life a living hell.

"Because that's not Marinette..." Adrien replied, shifting his gaze to his cousin who began to pick up the table cloths that Louis left in the center for them. "Marinette didn't grow up with servants and personal chefs and a ton of money. She always did things herself. Marinette doesn't consider it a full experience if everyone does things for her...."

Miraculous: Marinette's Wedding (Final Sequel Of The Marinette's Baby Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now