Chapter 11

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  A/N: Marinette's baby reached 190k reads and this is a huge deal to me! So enjoy this early update as a celebration! Thank you guys so much!
I apologize for any grammatical errors! Please forgive me!


Louis held Alya's phone in his hands.
It was getting late and his auntie Alya had fed and put Emma to bed.
The toddler had finished his meal and cuddled next to Alya to watch TV but he was bored.
   He glanced up at Alya who fell asleep on the couch, the cartoons playing on low volume in the background.
   Louis could make out a photo of his mother in Alya's phone, but he couldn't understand the text that went along with it. He carefully stood up, placing the phone back beside Alya as the games she allowed him to play on it just wasn't cutting it anymore.

  The toddler rubbed his eyes, yawning as he wandered down the hall towards his sister's bedroom.
  Louis poked his head into her room, a small smile on his lips as he witness the baby sleeping peacefully in her crib.
    He bit his lip, quickly stepping inside and rushing up to the crib to get a better look. Louis stood on his tip toes, hanging on to the edge of the crib as he wanted to give his sister a little kiss.

  The toddler paused, his heart racing as he heard something at the window.
The protective big brother in him, kicked in and he hoisted himself on to the bars of her crib. Louis stood over Emma's crib, his blue eyes fixated on the moonlight that casted an eerie silhouette in the window.

   Louis gripped tighter on to his sister's crib as the window opened.
  Baby Emma stirred slightly at the noise but she remained asleep.

Louis widened his eyes, trembling with fear as a being climbed through the window.
The being's blonde hair bounced lightly on his head.
    The blue scarf around his neck gently blew with the cold gusts of wind that emanated from behind him.
His skin was completely white and shiny. He was made out of porcelain, and his eyes were completely black.

  Poisoned inked tears leaked out from the edges, dripping on to the hard wood floor and burning holes.
Louis gasped, his eyes glancing down at the small wakes of smoke that had started from the poison.

   Louis only kept himself in front of Emma. He wouldn't let anyone hurt his little sister, even if that meant throwing himself under the bus.
     The toddler gulped, watching the strange creature silently walk over to them. His eyes were completely black, Louis couldn't look into them, they were just too scary.

   Louis was about to yell. He was about to scream for his auntie Alya to come in and help them.

   That was until the figure spoke...

"Hey buddy..." he whispered, the black tears evaporating on his shiny porcelain skin. "I missed you..."

   Louis widened his eyes, the voice striking a nerve with the young one as it sounded so familiar. He wanted to scream, but something in him told him that it was a bad idea.

   "Its me..." the figured tried again, stepping into the eerie cast of the moonlight. "Did you forget me already, little guy?"

   Louis felt his heart sink.
He knew who this was.

"D-Dadda?" Louis asked, his voice quivering as he immediately hopped off the ledge of Emma's crib and reached out to him. "Daddy..." he whispered, tears pooling in his eyes.
    He knew what this meant. He had seen it before.

This was his father, but he knew that his father wasn't well.

    "Hey- don't cry..." Adrien whispered, bending down to take the child into his arms.
    Louis gasped, his father's embrace was rather cold and hard. It was like he was hugging a nesting doll.

   "Do you trust me, little guy?" He asked, pulling back to glance at his toddler.

   Louis glanced up at his father, inwardly wincing as all he saw were two black holes for eyes.
   But even if he was frightening, this was his father and Louis loved him with everything he had to offer.
  The toddler didn't hesitate to nod, he wanted his father to know that he trusted him.

   "I need you and your sister to come with me..." Adrien whispered, brushing his cold fingers across Louis' face to remove some hair from his eyes. "And I need you to be really quiet...."

   Louis blinked, holding on to his father who approached Emma's crib and very carefully scooped up his newborn daughter and held her close.
  Louis immediately wrapped his sister into his arms, knowing that the cold feeling of their father's skin would only make her fussy.

   "Going bye byes?" Louis asked with a grimace, wondering why his mother wasn't to be attending with them. "Why?"

    Adrien frowned, watching his daughters dark hair mingle in Louis' face as he struggled to hold her.
   Akuma or not, Adrien could not lie or hurt his children.
   He closed his eyes, his brow furrowing as he couldn't allow himself to cry.
   He only cried black acid and he knew that wherever his tears touched, the simply burned to a crisp.

He had been drowning for so long no thanks to Felix. He was forced to live with the constant reminder that he failed. He was experiencing the agony of his nightmares again.
   But for once this time, he was going to make the world drown in his tears, but he was going to start with Felix.

   "Daddy just doesn't want to be alone..." Adrien replied, looking down at Louis who frowned at his father's obvious tormoil.

   "B-But mommy?" Louis asked, his heart aching in his chest as he's seen his parents fight villains on TV. He couldn't watch his father hurt his was terrifying to watch.

     "Shhh-" Adrien cooed, turning as he strolled quietly back to the window. "Don't worry matter what happens to me...I won't hurt your mother."

   Louis blinked, his heart racing as he hoped his father would keep his word. He pressed his lips together, nuzzling into his sister's hair. Both children remained silent as their akumatised father carried them off into the night.

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