Chapter 21

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A/N: Unedited. Sorry for any grammatical errors.


"I think you owe me an apology..."

Adrien's voice lingered in the air awkwardly, and it almost left a sour taste in his mouth.

   All while growing up with Felix Adrien never had the nerve to stick up for himself, especially with how obdurate his cousin could be.
   Adrien always felt so small in his presence, and despite the times Adrien tried to make friends with his cousin, it never turned out in his favour.

It was almost as if Felix never wanted Adrien around in the first place.

  Both men sat awkwardly at the dining table, faintly hearing Marinette shuffle around in the kitchen.

   Adrien was a little weary of inviting Felix back into their home especially after what had happened, but Marinette had insisted that they'd clear the air before they finally tied the knot.

   He couldn't quite remember what Felix had done after he was akumatised, but from what Marinette had briefed him on, it tore at his heart relentlessly to realise that his cousin wanted him to die.
   As far back as Adrien remembered since the time they first met, he hadn't recalled ever doing anything to Felix that made him hate so much.

    "You want me to apologize? For what?" Felix questioned, crossing his arms taut against his chest as his blue eyes remained completely fixated on Adrien's pained features.

   Adrien blinked, his fists clenching against his lap as he couldn't tell if Felix was serious.

  "For the mess...for everything." Adrien prompted, lowering his eyes towards the table top.

"For what you said to me, for what you said about Marinette and Luka, for being mean to my kids, for what you said about my mom, for the horrible bullying you've done to me over the years while we were kids..." His voice trailed off, his heart racing in his chest painfully as he hadn't realised that he was going off the rails, saying anything that came to his mind and allowing it to simply roll off his tongue with ease.

   Adrien pressed his lips together, trying to find comfort in the scent of the coffee Marinette had started to brew in the kitchen behind them.

   He glanced down, his fingers tapping against the table top nervously as Adrien reflected on his entire relationship with his cousin.

   "Growing up, you always treated me like shit. I don't recall ever doing anything wrong to you. Since the moment we met, you've made it a point that I was a nuisance, and that you didn't want me around..." Adrien's voice trailed off at the thought of Marinette's explanation that Felix had tried to kill him.

"Y-You never told me what I did to you...that you felt I deserved what you've been doing to me, my wife and my children..."
  Adrien tensed, his heart pounding in his chest as the air between the two of them grew stiff and silent. There was an eerie feeling that began to fester between the two of them as Felix glared Adrien down with a firm expression.
   Had it not been for Marinette being in the next room, Adrien would have made a run for it.

  He exhaled softly as Felix uncrossed his arms. The male placed his hands on the table top, tapping his fingers in syncopation to Adrien's tune.

   "You didn't do anything wrong..." Felix explained, his voice trailing off and for a brief moment, Adrien thought he saw something of vulnerability.

"Growing up, I guess you can say I felt a little jealous of you. You had both of your parents when you were younger, you were very popular among our family. I saw you everywhere, plastered on build boards, merchandise and on TV commercials." Felix sighed, reaching up to run his hand through his hair nervously.

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