Chapter 4

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If one word was used to describe Adrien's current situation it would be just that.

He wouldn't have minded family reunions if his family actually felt like family.
Adrien wanted to believe his father loved him at one point, but that feeling washed away long ago. Often times Adrien was convinced his distant relatives were as dead as he was.

It was all about presentation.
It was all about the name.

There was no chance in hell that his family actually came here to catch up and meet the new family.

Not one of them asked to see Louis.
Even Adrien thought that some of his relatives weren't particularly good company.

Which is why when he saw Felix, the model spun on his heels and hauled ass to a different trajectory.

Adrien leaned against his son who held on to him nervously.
Louis was always keen on meeting new people, but this didn't feel like a type of event to meet new people.

The male sighed, as he kept his arms around his son. His green eyes glanced around in search of a familiar face.

He couldn't recognize anyone else in the room.
The blonde awkwardly wondered towards his father's work area, his heart palpitating the moment he approached the large doors.
It didn't matter how long ago he moved out and it certainly didn't matter how much older he got.

The fear he felt within himself that always sparked when he was around these doors never really went away.

"Adrien." A voice emanated from behind him so suddenly it almost made him jump out of his skin.
The blonde turned around quickly, but not quickly enough to give his little one whiplash.

Nathalie stood behind him awkwardly, her eyes flickering between the doors and Adrien.

"Your father wants you to catch up with your relatives. They'll all be here for the wedding. He wants you to create a guest list. See who wants to sit where..." she explained, reaching over to run her fingers through Louis' hair.
Louis smiled up at Nathalie, taking a liking to his grandfather's assistant. It was no secret that Louis loved his grandparents on both his mother's and father's side.

"Don't you think it's incredibly impertinent to throw a huge party and then not be around to entertain your guests?" Adrien asked, shifting his weight uncomfortably.

Nathalie glanced back at Adrien impassively.
"This party is for your wedding. Your family members are excited for this milestone."

Adrien furrowed his brow.
"But this was all my father's idea. I didn't want any of this. You know it's not really my thing to make a huge deal out of things. Especially to family members I barely know..." the blonde glanced down at his son who held on to him.

"Besides, I think Louis is getting tired. I have to go home and put him to bed..."

Nathalie glanced at Louis who peered back at her.
"Mommy is pooping..." he said promptly, a small pout on his face.
"A big big BIG poop!"

Nathalie widened her eyes, her orbs flickering between both Adrien and his son.
Adrien shook his head, dismissing his toddler's comment with a nervous smile.
"It's...a long story..."

Nathalie parted her lips, about ready to speak when her eyes flickered to a figure behind him.

"I didn't think you'd be the one to have children right before marriage..." a familiar voice emanated from behind him.

Nathalie glanced back at Adrien, she took a step back, bowed and she left.

Adrien flinched into his son, the voice behind him sending a shiver down his spine.
"Felix..." he breathed, nervously turning back to stare at his cousin. "I'm glad you were able to make it..."

Miraculous: Marinette's Wedding (Final Sequel Of The Marinette's Baby Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now