Chapter 5

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Adrien felt like he was in a trance.
   It certainly wasn't in his nature to let people's words get to him, but there was something that Felix said that struck a sensitive nerve.
   Adrien cared deeply for his family and yes that did include his father, his pain in the ass cousin, his wife and his children.
   If he had lost all of that, he'd truly have no reason to live. He had just become a father again, the thought of Emma not being real shattered him to pieces.

   Needless to say, Adrien was tired in more ways than one.
The blonde returned home, ready to isolate himself and fall asleep. He placed his little one on to his feet, watching as Louis immediately zipped through their home. The toddler began to stubbornly rummage through the kitchen for the food Marinette had prepared and left in the microwave for her boys to heat up when they returned home.

   Adrien leaned against the door, his heart aching. Sometimes his cousin's teasing went a step too far as opposed to when they were children. The blonde pressed his lips together, immediately standing up straight at the sound of her sweet voice.
  Her sweet humming echoed throughout the halls. He cocked his head to the side, the sweet voice filling his ears and luring him to the sounds like a cursed syren.
  He could hear the pitter patter sounds of water and Adrien couldn't help but to wonder what she was up to.
She instantly made him feel better, she was his muse. That much was evident.
  It was a selfish sort of emotion for Adrien. But it was the sort of selfishness that Adrien felt he had a right to experience.
   Granted, he wasn't perfect. However, he was selfless enough throughout his entire life to attain this right.
  This was a happiness he hadn't felt since he lost his mother and he would have dreaded life without the one thing he lived for.
  He paused, his heart hammering at the small quivering cry of his daughter.
It was like music to his ears.
He quite liked the small sounds of a newborn's cry, especially because Adrien loved his children.
It only seemed like yesterday that he could hear Louis' cries back when he was younger.
   Adrien missed those days.

It appeared that things were a lot more simpler then.
   The blonde curiously ventured through the halls, following the sounds to the bathroom where Marinette lovingly bathed their daughter in the sink.
He leaned against the doorframe, his heart squeezing with the familiarity of her oversized sweater.
  She even wore her hair in the pigtails she often styled those many years ago.
Adrien was in complete awe of his love

  There was no way that they couldn't be real.
It had felt too real.
   There were no words for the absolute devastation if it weren't.

Adrien sat beside himself. It certainly couldn't be. He despised that he allowed his cousin to get under his skin. He figured he had been used to it. Felix took advantage of Adrien's naive trait.

   "Hey! How'd it go?" Marinette asked, finally getting Emma to calm down into the warm water.
  Adrien blinked, immediately straightening up as he didn't realise that he was staring at the back of her head. He sighed, finally breaking free from the self deprecation just from the sound of her voice.

  "I-It...was alright. Felix was up to his normal antics again..." Adrien replied truthfully, his green eyes lowering down at the thought of Marinette's untimely demise over and over again.

    The blonde slowly approached Marinette, his fingertips reaching over to lightly tug on the edges of her sweater.
    He then reached up, curling one of her dark locks of her pigtails right around his finger.
   "This looks familiar..." he smiled, his voice warm at the memory of how Marinette used to wear this very same sweater when they went on their first date.
   Granted, she only wore it to hide her large baby bump, but the night he learned about Louis and he revealed his true identity to her was probably one of the best nights of his life.
   Marinette bit her lip at his caresses.
A small giggle emitted from her lips and she shyly moved away with a subtle blush.

Miraculous: Marinette's Wedding (Final Sequel Of The Marinette's Baby Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now