netflix and chill

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"Oh, c'mon, Hope," Scott whines. "You can't keep shooting down every suggestion I have."

Hope turns her attention from the TV in front of them to send him a glare. She is sitting on his couch (with him!), shoes off and legs folded underneath herself. Scott managed to not only convince her to join him for some "Netflix and chill" - and he can already feel the impact of Hope's fist if she knew that's what he called it in his head - at his house, but he also convinced her that his house would be the best location. While Scott may be able to admit it more readily than Hope, neither of them wants Hank to interrupt another moment.

"I can if they're all stupid ideas," she says after a moment.

"Okay, then maybe you should pick."

Hope shoots him a grin before turning back to the TV, and Scott gets the feeling that is what she has wanted the whole time.

"Why is Michael Bolton's Big, Sexy Valentine's Day Special in your queue?" she asks a few moments later.

Scott takes his gaze off of Hope and turns to the television in front of them. He squints a little at the TV in concentration before shrugging. "Must be one of Luis's," he tells her, waving his hand dismissively.

Hope just hums in reply. With her no-nonsense haircut, she looks like she could a school principal or a librarian or something. But he also kind of digs it, so he doesn't know what that says about him. "And The Magic School Bus is for Cassie?" she asks.

Scott gives her a sheepish smile. "I mean, yeah, but it's also kinda entertaining? And educational! Plus, it's magical, Hope. And we all need a little magic in our lives." He gives her his goofy little smile, eyes crinkling at the corners and dimples on display.

Scott is laying on the embellishments a little thick in an attempt to get at least a smile out of Hope. He knows she was hesitant to come over to his place, but he also knows she wouldn't be here if she didn't want to be. Absolutely no one on this earth could make Hope do something she didn't want to do.

He is vindicated when she gives him a small smile and meets his eyes. Scott watches as Hope's smile slips from her face and her brows knit together. Without warning, the atmosphere in the room has shifted, and he isn't quite sure what caused it.

He frowns before clearing his throat. "Everything okay, Hope?" he asks quietly. Whatever is going on in that genius head of hers, he does not want her to feel like he is pressing for details she is not ready to give.

Enough time has passed since his question that he was about to start spouting off Netflix suggestions again in an attempt to prevent an awkward silence. "I never believed in magic, you know," she says.

Okay...? Scott thinks to himself, not really sure where is going with her. She is generally a reserved person, but Scott likes to think he has gotten good at reading her cues over the last few months of training. Right now, though, it is like he is staring at a brick wall in profile.

Unsure what to say but wanting to say something, Scott takes a deep breath. Before he can say anything, however, he sees Hope shudder.

Is she crying?

Before Scott can say anything - ask if she is okay, make a joke, diffuse the (emotional?) tension - she turns to face him.

Hope's eyes, beautiful as always, are red-rimmed and brimming with tears. She takes and shuddering breath and clasps her hand to her mouth. Scott can feel his features soften, and he wants nothing more at that moment than to wrap Hope in the tightest hug either of them can bear.

He doesn't do that, though. In fact, Scott is careful not to say or do anything that might give Hope the slightest inkling that her tears are too much for him.

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