the innocence of things given

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Maggie and Paxton had just gotten married and were away on their honeymoon. So Scott, Hope and surprisingly, Hank, had all talked it over and agreed that Cassie would stay at the Pym house while her mother and stepfather were away.

Even though Hope had agreed with Scott and her father about bringing Cassie into their home. She never would have admitted it to anyone, least of all, Scott - God, she'd never hear the end of it from him - but she was actually nervous about the whole thing.

The time she'd spent with Cassie had mostly been when she and Scott picked her up from school, ate an occasional dinner with Maggie, Paxton and Cassie. Then, sometimes, Hope and Scott would take the little girl to the fair, the park or the zoo.

It had been hard at first, spending time with Cassie. Particularly in her own home. Not that Hope disliked her by any means, but she had never been much of a kid person. Dealing with the loss of her mother and being away from her father, had made her grow up a little faster than most kids.

Hope was used to living life with a sturdy backbone and put her feelings on hold, or else, they'd run away with her. She was a confident businesswoman and had no problem speaking before a board of directors, but for some reason, the idea of being around her boyfriend's little girl for a couple of weeks made her very uneasy.

The good thing was that Cassie was a little kid, so she didn't notice the bubbling turmoil inside of her daddy's girlfriend. She simply saw a nice lady who made her daddy happy and that was all it took to draw her to the woman.

Over the course of the next two weeks, Cassie and Hope had grown close. This first dawned on Hope when she was in the basement with Cassie, teaching her how to throw a punch. In a way, it was funny because it made her think of several months ago when she taught Scott how to throw a punch. Now she was teaching his daughter. Would wonders never cease?

The little girl had been so eager to learn that she threw the punches excitedly at the bag with a grin on her face. There was so much of her father in her that it made Hope smile herself.

"No, here. You have to plant your feet on the ground and twist your hips, but not so much that you'll spin. Watch me, Cassie." Hope stood before the bag and crouched a bit, making sure to keep her feet steady on the ground. She held her fists up and moved her hips just a little, planting a hard punch on the bag.

"Oooh, that's so cool! I wanna try!" Cassie began to hop up and down ecstatically.

Another smile worked its way to Hope's face. "Okay, but let's do it slow. Alright." She motioned for the girl to step forward, facing the bag. "Now, look at my feet. See how they're positioned? Mimic my movements."

Cassie did as she was told and held up her fists. "What next?"

"Next, you pivot on your right foot and drive your fist into the bag. Like this." Hope stood in front of Cassie so she could see her better. Again, she planted her feet and turned, punching the bag hard. "Now, you try."

"Um, like this?" Cassie pivoted on the correct foot and the tiny fist she sent towards the bag was successful. Granted, the bag didn't move very much, but it was still an achievement in the little girl's eyes.

"Yay!" She squealed and jumped around the room.

Her excitement was infectious and Hope let out a laugh, holding out her hand to the girl for a high five. "Great job! You'll be a pro in no time!"

Instead of taking Hope's hand, Cassie threw herself into the woman's arms and hugged her tightly.

The action shocked Hope and she almost fell off balance, but quickly corrected her footing and slowly moved her hands to the little girl's back. She normally didn't hug people, due to the sometimes awkwardness she felt at expressing a lot of emotion.

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