sometimes it can weigh a ton

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there is a slight possibility that these next few fic's are already in this so if they are pls comment lol

There is a very long list of things that Hope-Formerly-van-Dyne-Pym is good at.

The long list includes martial arts, engineering and convincing investors to throw all their money at whatever vague idea Darren Cross came up with. The short list includes fucking everything and kicking butt. Unfortunately, Hope has found, being excellent at almost everything means that in the rare case that you suck at something, you're fucking awful at them.

Case in point: she has been resolutely not dating Scott Lang (Scott, who cups her face gently when they kiss, who doesn't rush things, who looks at her like she's something to be treasured) for four months.

(And here, as an aside, is another thing she's awful at: romantic fucking relationships. And it's not because of the strong, independent female thing, really, it's more about the not really seeing the big deal about it thing. But then Scott comes along with his earnest brown eyes and makes her want to try, want to really try and sometimes it makes her want to punch him again because how fucking dare he drag her into what is bordering on a positive romantic relationship. How dare he.)

Anyway, the point is: Hope is awful with kids. Always has been, always will be and she's apparently picked the worst time ever to drop in on her not-boyfriend at his brand new Avenger-approved apartment.

She's not really trying to be spontaneous, it's more the case that she's just dropped in on her dad and even though he's given her the Wasp suit he's still of two minds about her actually using it.

Deep down, Hope gets it. He gets it because when Scott suited up she felt an ache and she'd only known him a few days, she can't imagine how it'd feel if they'd known each other for years.

(Except she can now, sort of. Her dad's shown her videos of her mom in action now, test flights and combat drills and beyond the buzz of that was the year you left me with the nanny for months, there was the pride, there was the fear.)

She needs a drink and a rant and now Darren's gone (and yeah, she knows at the end he was a fucking psycho but once upon a time he was the closest thing she ever had to a best friend) Scott's the best she's got.

So she stomps up the steps to the penthouse suit and hammers on the door, hair rumpled from where her fingers have woven through it one too many times, expecting Scott to answer with that dumb surprised grin and maybe a few cold beers but no.

What she gets is Scott, red faced and frantic, opening the door in a harried manner. His eyes go wide when he sees her and then he's smiling, yanking her in by the arm (and Scott never yanks her, never pushes her, he treats her like she's made of fucking glass even though he knows she could snap his neck if she were so inclined.)

"Cassie's sick," he's saying, pulling her after him through the hallway. "It's the first time Maggie's let me have her over night and I can't take her with me."

Hope's alarms are already blaring because "sick" and "kid" are not words she wants to be anywhere near.

"And I need to go to the store for medicine and, I don't know, chicken soup except Cassie hates chicken soup so I'm thinking minestrone? But does that have the same effect?"

He pauses and it takes her a few moments to realise that he's actually genuinely asking her.

"Uh," she says. (And he's looking at her with those big brown eyes that make her feel a little like she's falling.) "Yeah, that'll do fine. It's more about the hydration and the heat anyway."

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