then we could be heros, just for one day

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The next six months are the best of Scott's life. He's free from house arrest (YES), they found Janet in the middle of the quantum realm (beyond cool), and nothing's going wrong (here's hoping he doesn't jinx it).

He has Cassie, Luis, and Hope. He's free. He doesn't need anything else.


He's absolutely terrified, the first time he brings Hope to meet Cassie. Somehow they hadn't managed it in the few months they'd been "together" before Sam Wilson called him.

"Are you scared?" Hope asks in the car, right before they step up to Maggie and Paxton's house. It's his weekend to have Cassie, all to himself. But this time she begged to meet Hope—she wanted to "hang out with both of them! It'll be so much fun! Please, Daddy!"

"Of course not," he scoffs. Hope grins, that tiny smile that makes something in his brain and chest melt. He rolls his eyes but reaches a hand—it might be shaking, just a little, sue him—for Hope's.

She hesitates for the barest moment before taking his hand in hers. Then she leans toward him and he meets her in the middle, enjoys the novelty of getting to kiss her. He's kissing Hope Van Dyne.

They're interrupted by a happy shriek. "Daddy!" They pull apart and glance at Cassie, who's running toward them.

"Cassie—" he calls out the window. Sure enough, Cassie doesn't stop in time before hitting the truck. She hops away from it as quickly as she ran into it, and Scott falls out of the driver's seat before Hope can move, pulling her into his arms. "You okay, Peanut?"

Cassie grins up at him from the hug, her smile healing the bit of his heart that breaks every time he leaves her. "I'm good! Come in, Mom and Jim want to see you and Hope before we go! Hope came, right?"

"Of course I did," Hope inserts. Cassie takes Hope's hand and starts dragging her up the hill to the house before he can blink.

Scott manages to successfully blink before following them. He can't help it, not really, if he thinks that they're the best thing he's ever seen.


Maggie and Paxton love Hope. Of course they do.

Maggie hugs her ("You've managed to make Scott decent again!" Hope looks startled and can't escape the hug. "I wouldn't say that—" "But look at him! He's wearing a nice shirt!") and Paxton pulls all three of them into a hug ("Hey, buddy. Hey, Ms. van Dyne! So glad you could come.")

Paxton retires to the kitchen and Maggie follows Cassie upstairs to make sure she has everything for the weekend, so Scott finally makes it back to Hope's side. "These are the other people I hang out with on a weekly basis, aside from Luis and the sidekicks. Are they any better than those fools?"

Hope pretends to think as she glances around the room again. "Your ex-wife, who pretends you're her gay best friend, and her husband, who appreciates hugging you way too much to be completely straight." She pats him on the shoulder. "It's just as weird, Scott."

Because he's a grown man who's falling in love, he sticks his tongue out before stepping to the base of the stairs. "You ready, Peanut?"

"Mmhmm!" Cassie stomps down the stairs, closely followed by Maggie.

"Be careful, Cassie..." her mother sighs. "She's got everything now, pretty sure she forgot the blanket to make sure that Hope had time to snoop around the house." Hope blinks a few times and flushes, just a little, and Scott doesn't miss the attempt-at-exaggerated-wink that his daughter throws her way. "I don't mind, of course, might as well prepare you," Maggie inserts, probably trying to stop the flush from becoming any sort of defensive mechanism.

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