pez is good

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"Absolutely not!" Hank Pym snapped, glaring at Scott's trio of friends. "I don't mind you having the party here. A beach party is a good idea. But, not this!"

"Come on, Hank!" Scott coaxed. "You, Janet, and Hope will be busy with the lab. I'm busy with a client presentation for our company on Friday. Someone has to decorate for Cassie's birthday. The guys will do a great job!"

"You want me to let them come into my house, unattended, and put up decorations?! Move things around??" Hank stressed, nearly strangling in his outrage.

"What are you worried they're gonna do? It's a kids' birthday party! Frankly, throwing a party is something they're good at."

"Their idea of a good birthday present for each other is a Pez dispenser," Hope pointed out, the near apology in her voice not quite covering her condescension.

Kurt liked Hope and he respected Hank Pym. They were good people, worth admiring. Normally, he wouldn't let their words bother him. After all, they were wealthy, genius scientists and the guys were ex-cons scraping by. He understood that they didn't seem like much to the Pyms. This time, though, their words stung and not just because they would never let Cassie down. They might burgle a place, but they wouldn't burn it down by accident, trying to decorate! Yet, that wasn't the point. The Pyms had insulted something they didn't understand. When he spoke, the room went still in the face of his quiet anger.

"You think Pez dispenser is silly? Not good gift? Do you know why we give Luis Pez dispenser?"

"No, we don't. Do tell," Hank invited, sighing.

"When we help with Cross, was first in long time that we could be good guys. We liked to be good guys. Helping Scott...was good. We care much for Scott."

Luis spun around, as he cooked breakfast. He was grinning from ear to ear. Kurt came into the living room, watching his friend with amusement.

"Is good morning, Luis?"

"It's a great morning, Kurt! Man, we rocked it, last night. Cross went DOWN! Hey, do you think this makes us heroes?"

"No," Kurt answered, sitting in his chair and opening his laptop. He looked up to see Luis' smile had dimmed a bit. Kurt shrugged, shaking his head, hurrying to explain, "Scott is hero. We are sidekicks. He gets suit."

"It works on him," Dave said, coming in from his bedroom in time to see Luis' smile brighten back up again.

"Yeah, but we were still the GOOD GUYS! Did you guys ever imagine we'd get to do that?"

"Would be nice to stay good guys," Kurt admitted, reluctantly, not willing to spoil Luis' mood any further.

"Not gonna happen, if we want to eat, though," Dave said firmly.

"Aw, c'mon! I bet Scott can help, now. Maybe Dr. Pym can get us on somewhere."

"We're not scientists, Luis," Kurt said gently.

"You know computers! I'm gonna talk to Scotty about it," Luis insisted, grinning widely.

"But, then Germany happen," Kurt continued, gravely. "We go back to stealing, trying to survive, trying to find work, but no one will hire. We want to go straight, be good guys. But, we must eat. Not good. Scott disappears and we care for Scott. We don't know if he lives or dies. We worry."

"I'm sorry," Scott interrupted, guilt swelling his throat, but Kurt gazed kindly at him.

"For what? For helping? We only didn't like we couldn't help too. What? You were going to say no to Captain America? I'm Russian. I'm not going to say no to Captain America!"

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