in the cool of the evening

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In the cool of the evening
When everything is getting kind of groovy
You call me up and ask me
Would I like to go with you and see a movie?
First I say no, I've got some plans for tonight
And then I stop and say all right
Love is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you

She sits there, driving the miniature car, letting the music be the only sound between them. The ethereal tones of Dusty Springfield seem apt for this moment and her mood. It had been over two years since she had seen the man dozing next to her in the car. Things had been different then, she had been happier, lighter. Her father and her were no longer estranged, the Wasp suit was hers and for once, she had someone sharing her bed whom she actually had feelings for. Perhaps, more feelings than she had liked to admit.

You always keep me guessing
I never seem to know what you are thinking
And if a girl looks at you
It's for sure your little eye will be a-winking
I get confused, i never know where i stand
And then you smile and hold my hand
Love is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you

She dared a glance over at his handsome face, which was titled back in an almost comical snoring position. She smiled softly despite herself. Scott has always had that power over her. Even when she had despised him, thinking that he was just some thug her father has chosen to take over the job that should of been hers, he had always been able to make her smile.

If you decide some day to stop this little game that you are a-playing
I'm gonna tell you all the things my heart's been a-dying to be saying
Just like a ghost you've been a-haunting my dreams
But now i know you're not what you seem
Love is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you

She hadn't been able to admit just how much her feelings had grown for the man until he had kissed her so audaciously outside her father's study. One minute she had offered to walk him to the door, the next she was in his arms, melting into his touch as his lips pressed firmly against hers. When her father opened the door, effectively interrupting their moment, it had taken her a second to process what had just happened. To her disbelief, she came to only to hear Scott trying to pass it off as though she, Hope, had initiated the whole thing. She shook her head with a grin. Of course he's trying that. That is such a Scott Lang move. Her father had thought much the same, exclaiming "You're full of shit!" as Scott hastily made his exit from their San Franciscan Tudor home.

Things has gone slow after that, Scott taking some time to be with his daughter. But once training had resumed, their working relationship quickly grew into something more of a partnership. Their time together was marked with stolen kisses in the hallways, sweaty training sessions that ended with their clothes on the floor and laughter, so much laughter.

A large truck glided above them, plunging the car into darkness. The change in lighting seemed to bring Hope to her senses and her mind back to what had ended their happiness too abruptly. Like the idiot that he was, Scott had taken the Ant-Man suit and run off to Germany without so much as a goodbye. With no regard for his family, her or her father, he had rushed off to fight a team of the Avengers, getting himself locked up and forcing her and her father to go on the run. It was only for the sake of Cassie, his daughter, that she had used what little trusted resources she had had at that point, to help work out a plea bargain for his release from the Raft.

When the call finally came, over the burner cell-phone she had acquired, all the rage and hurt had come flooding into her brain. Miraculously, she resisted the urge to scream at him, instead, reaming him out in the iciest tone she could muster. How dare he do that to his daughter, her father, to her. That was it. They were done.

That is, until last night.

In the two years since the incident, her father Hank and her had spent every waking hour building the Quantum Tunnel, determined to enter the realm, to see if her mother was alive after all these years. Unfortunately, something was still missing. They had fired up the tunnel last night only to have it shut down a minute after it had began. But for the briefest moment, it had been open. Five minutes later, the small burner phone rang. It was Scott, rambling about some dream he had, something about the Quantum realm and Hank's wife, her mother. The woman she had lost when she was seven. The very one they were trying to bring back.

She felt him stir next to her, the music lulling him awake. He blinked at her disbelievingly.

"Hope." was all he said. She glanced at him in acknowledgment. "Is this another dream?"

"Do you think it was a dream or is it possible you really saw my mom down there?"

"I...I'm not sure." came his reply. Her knuckles tightened slightly on the steering wheel and her face hardened.

She watched and listened as he proceeded to freak out over the pigeons pecking at their tiny form and at having left his house, worried his house arrest would be compromised. Not really in the mood to coddle him, she rolled her eyes and explained that it was all taken care of. Seeming to have settled the matter, she went back to the task at hand only to have Scott set her emotions firing once more.

"I'm sorry about Germany." She bit her lip, hard, willing whatever feelings on the matter she still had to stay repressed. "They said it was a matter of national security and that Cap needed help..."

"Cap?" she sneered.

"..Tain, Captain America. Cap. It's..what we call him." She rolled her eyes at him as he tried his best to seem cool, sitting there in his robe and boxer shorts. "If you're a friend, I think I'm a friend, well a little... I know him, he's nice... ahh whatever." he mumbled, becoming aware of his own rambling. "Look, I'm sorry alright? I didn't think I get caught."

Keeping her eyes on the road, she responded. "You didn't think about a lot of things."

Scott hung his head in shame. "How's Hank?"

"We're still running, the house is gone, so is our freedom. How do you think he is?"

"I'm sorry, I know you're mad."

Leaning forward to look for their upcoming turn Hope settled the matter. "I'm not looking for your apologies Scott. The only reason we are even talking is because we need what's in your head."

The pair exited the now normal sized S.U.V. and entered the abandoned looking office building, Hope leading the way. Determined to keep this about her mom, Hope squared her shoulders and set her jaw, telling herself that Scott being in her life once more was a onetime thing. He was here for a job and that was it.

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