impossibly strange

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One minute Hope Van Dyne is standing next to Luis's old brown van with the terrible horn, counting down the seconds before she can bring Scott Lang back from the Quantum Realm.

The next minute, she feels faint, with goosebumps and a wave of nausea like she's going to immediately be sick.

Just as quickly, she feels fine, but everything else around her is not fine: the van is gone, the equipment is gone, and she's standing there with her parents Hank and Janet, totally confused. They all look around the building roof, oddly weather damaged for a building that's usually kept shrunken and out of sight using Pym particles.


They're all yelling his name. There's no answer. The nausea is back but this time, it stays.

She's about to suggest that somebody call Scott's phone or that she, Hank and Janet go right now to Scott's house to try and find him, because something obviously went wrong with the portal. Hank starts talking, most likely about to say the same thing, but he stops, gawking at what was once thin air.

The sky opens up in a neat little circle and what she believes is some kind of monk drops in out of nowhere, wielding an orange light portal. The monk demands that she go with her to upstate New York.

Naturally, Hope tells the monk to go fuck herself.

"Language," Janet admonishes, because Janet sometimes cannot reconcile her seven year old with her thirty-eight year old.

The monk, taken aback, informs her that Scott Lang is there and needs her help.

Hank is already cursing and peeling off hundred dollar bills, shoving them at Hope. "Bail him out if you need to," he instructs, "if the portal went that haywire, we don't know what state he'll be in when you get there. If he's in jail, get him out."

Janet and Hope both ask the monk if Scott is ok, what's going on, but time is apparently of the essence and Hope needs to go now if she's going to go at all. Of course she's going to go; Scott is in trouble.

The adrenaline wipes out the terror, mostly, until she is unceremoniously dumped into a very crowded battle. With superheroes, Wakandans, and very creepy aliens.

She looks around for Scott, sees him as Giant-Man, and while she is reassured by the sight of him, she has this immediate need to touch him to make sure he's real. She can hear Scott volunteering to fix the portal, so she flies over to him and grabs his arm, just in time for her to reassure Cap that they'll get it done.

Scott gives her the dopiest, most besotted grin, and she realizes that she just called Captain America "Cap" exactly like he does. She smiles back; yeah okay, she did do that, and if it makes him this happy she probably won't stop.

They shrink and she pulls him to fix the portal in the brown van. He's still looking so punch drunk at the sight of her that she's taken aback. Scott has always looked at her fondly, but this, this is intense. She intuitively knows that something big happened, but it feels like the remnants of a nightmare that she just can't quite remember, and it's scaring her.

Hope crawls into the backseat to reconnect the portal to the van's transmission because at some point it shook loose. The backseat, which is full of candy bar wrappers, coffee cups, Red Bull cans and mostly empty bottles of Mountain Dew, also surprises her. None of these things were in the back with the portal earlier that morning, so her alarm bells are definitely ringing.

She connects the portal, but the car won't start, causing her to panic. Hopping back into the front seat, she's just in time to watch Scott hotwire the van. Hope is not a woman who lets herself fall victim to flights of fancy, but the way he moves his hands over the wiring is fascinating and more than a little hot. Maybe she's lost her mind, she seems to lose her mind a lot when it comes to Scott Lang, but he's really attractive when he so competently hotwires the van.

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