just a bad (quantum) dream

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A bright, multicoloured flash shot across Scott's vision. Then another, and another. He could feel himself drifting aimlessly, his whole mind and body feeling numb. He remembered this place... but from where? Shapeless objects hung in the space surrounding him, seeming to grow bigger and bigger every second. Or was he shrinking? The memories came rushing back to him like a flash flood. Cassie. Yellow Jacket. Hank's warning. He was shrinking indefinitely into the quantum realm and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Scott began to panic, his heart racing in his ever-shrinking chest. As the bright colours flashed around him he searched for something, anything that could help him. The lights kept flashing until a dark figure appeared threateningly in front of Scott and he awoke.

Scott shot upright in bed, gasping for air. It took him a few seconds to realize that he wasn't actually stuck in the quantum realm and that he was safe in his own room. He glanced over at the figure lying on the other side of the bed and was glad to see she was still sleeping. The last thing Scott needed was for Hope to know he had nightmares. He watched her for a few seconds, her peaceful, even breaths easing his panic. He gave her a light kiss on the forehead and quietly crawled out of bed.

Scott made his way to the kitchen to make some coffee, eager to get his hands moving and his mind off the dream. Ever since Hank and Hope opened the quantum realm he'd been having the same, reoccurring dream, even after they'd extracted Janet from the realm. In all the dreams, however, he'd never encountered the dark figure before. It was definitely not Janet as it was too big and threatening. The figure did seem familiar but Scott just couldn't place his finger on it. He was halfway through toasting bagels and making coffee when a voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"What're you doing up so early?"

Scott turned quickly to see Hope leaning up against the bedroom doorframe, wearing one of Scott's "X-Con Security" t-shirts. He smiled.

"Early? What are you talking about? I always get up at..." He checked his watch, "5:00 am? Holy shit! What're you doing up so early?"

Hope chuckled as she took a seat at the kitchen island.

"Well, I can hardly sleep with you banging around in here, can I?" Hope motioned to the open cabinets and drawers that Scott had been mindlessly ruffling through in his quest to make breakfast.

"Well, how was I supposed to make you this delicious cup of coffee without making any noise?" Scott attempted to redeem himself by placing the steaming cup in front of her.

"I hate the brand of coffee you buy, it's disgusting." She retorted.

"This cup of coffee, then" Scott corrected himself.

"I'm not even sure it's coffee..." she said scrunching her nose. Scott thought for a second.

"This... cup."

Hope laughed, as a huge grin spread across Scott's face. She took a sip of her coffee and smiled.

"It's great. Thanks."

Scott leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. He then turned to grab his own cup of coffee.

As he turned, a bright coloured light flashed across his vision again.

"You never did tell me why you were up so early." He heard Hope say behind him.

A second light flashed before his eyes.

Not now... he thought.

Another coloured flash, but this one was much more intense.

"Argh!" Scott exclaimed, throwing his hand to his temple.

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