fault lines

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Movie night had been a Friday night tradition at Scott's since he and Hope had officially begun dating. Together with Cassie they'd watched everything from Jurassic Park to Harry Potter to Moana.

Scott and Hope had collected Cassie from school, they'd eaten dinner out while she'd told them tales of her visit to the zoo with school, before the three of them returned to Scott's for their family movie night. Cassie jumped down into her place at the centre the sofa excitedly as Hope handed her a bowl of popcorn while Scott loaded the DVD of choice for tonight; Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

"Daddy, did you remember the marshmallows like you promised?" Cassie asked around a mouthful of warm popcorn.

"Oh, peanut..." Scott began. He'd promised last week, and the week before. But he'd also been busy working and once again they'd slipped his mind.

"I can go get some" Hope offered, seeing the disappointment creep onto Cassie's face. She knew Scott had felt bad enough forgetting for the second week in a row, she knew he'd feel awful at forgetting again. Hope didn't want either of them to feel upset.

"No, you stay. It's your movie. I'll go and I'll be right back" Scott promised, drawing a smile for, his daughter and kissing Hope on the way past. "I'll be back by the time you've made cocoa" he promised, blowing a kiss to Cassie as he grabbed his keys and left.

"You want whipped cream?" Hope offered, smiling as Cassie nodded before heading over to the kitchen. It was another tradition. After Cassie had told her Father that Hope's hot cocoa was better than his, each and every Friday night, unless the world was in danger, they took turns to choose a movie, Hope made cocoa and Scott provided the snacks...

Hope made their cocoa as promised, also making one for Scott, and placed the three glasses on the coffee table before taking her usual seat on Cassie's right. She had been about to ask the young girl whether she was excited about the movie when the ground began to shake. Cassie looked to Hope with a horrified look on her face as one of the glasses fell from the table and shattered all over the floor. Hope glanced around quickly, formulating a plan. She had to keep Cassie safe. Hope made her decision but before she had chance to move, the window beside her shattered. Cassie screamed and Hope instinctively shielded her with her own body, pulling her close and holding her tight before she stood and pulled Cassie quickly towards the dining room. Hope steadied Cassie who was unsteady on her feet, pulling a chair out of the way before guiding Cassie under the dining table. Hope grabbed the blanket from the couch and shook it free from glass before wrapping it over Cassie's shoulders and sliding under the table beside her.

Destruction could be heard throughout the house. Picture frames fell to the floor; Cassie's first day at school, Scott and Hope together on a beach in Hawaii, the three of them by the Bay... Books vibrated off the bookshelf and Hope mentally thanked Scott for being a responsible parent and bolting the furniture to the wall, or she and Cassie would have been crushed by now. The tree that had fallen and smashed the window littered the lounge with leaves while plates and mugs fell from cupboards and smashed over the kitchen floors and counter tops.

Cassie was watching Hope with a horrified look. "It's okay, Cass" she reassured.

"Hope, you're bleeding" Cassie informed her worriedly. Hope followed Cassie's gaze and reached her hand up, pulling it away from her face to see it sticky with blood. Cassie was right, Hope's right arm and the right side of her face were bleeding from the shattered window glass that had rained over her when the tree had fallen.

"Does it hurt?" Cassie asked, frowning.

"No I'm fine" Hope promised, offering her a small smile and moving to sit beside her. Hope shifted to position herself with her back against the wall, resting her arm over Cassie's shoulders while Cassie curled into her side under her blanket, both huddling under the dining table avoiding the falling debris.

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