more than words

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Valentine's day. Scott needed a distraction. He needed anything to forget the fact that he was alone this year. He could go to a singles mixer, but somehow that just made him more depressed. It's been a year since Hope left him. She never gave him a reason, not one he believed anyway. Her words echoed in his mind. We just weren't meant to be. But how could that be true when he's never loved anyone more than he loved Hope.

"Hey, Scotty." Luis said as he walked into the living room where Scott was sitting on the couch, looking between flyers and his phone. "What are you doing?"

"...What do you think about me chauffeuring people around for Valentine's?" Scott asked after a moment.

"You mean, you wanna drive around a bunch of love-drunk, happy couples?"

"Well," Scott sighed, "I don't want to'd be nice to have the extra cash..."

"And the distraction." Luis looked at Scott with pity.

"And the distraction." Scott repeated. Normally he'd argue with Luis not to look at him like that, but Valentine's was coming up fast and he needed a solution as soon as possible. He made up a simple flyer, printed out copies and put them up around the city.

In only a few days, Scott had already booked a few customers. He was feeling good and proud of himself. He sat back and closed his eyes when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Scott groaned and sat up, hoping it was just a delivery for Luis. However, when the visitor began obnoxiously ringing the doorbell, he knew they weren't going away. Scott slowly and reluctantly opened the door to see Maggie and Paxton.

"Hey," Scott said cautiously. They never dropped by unannounced, they always called or texted unless they had set a scheduled time for picking up Cassie. "What are you guys doing..." Scott looked down at Maggie's hand and saw his flyer. "Oh."

"Yeah, oh." Maggie pushed her way through the doorway. "Scott, what is this?"

"A flyer."

"Yeah, got that." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. " Why are you offering to drive people around when you should be out there having fun on Valentine's Day?"

"I-You know..." Scott groaned as he turned around and walked back to the couch to sit. Maggie and Paxton exchanged a look before following him. "Everything else just seems more depressing, I'd rather just drive people around so they can actually enjoy their night. Besides, I got a nice deal on a rental limo. I'll get more than a decent profit from what I'm getting per ride."

"Alright." Maggie sighed, "Make sure you take someone with you though. Luis, Kurt, or Dave. Just so you have someone to talk to." Scott agreed to ask one of them to tag along before saying goodbye to Maggie and Paxton and sending them on their way. He really didn't want Maggie and Paxton to worry about him on Valentine's Day. Scott helped Paxton set up their whole night, he couldn't risk ruining it.

It was almost time for Scott and Dave, his honorable guest, to leave and pick up their patrons. Dave packed snacks as if it were some sort of road trip, but Scott didn't mind. They packed up the front of the rental limo and took off. As time passed, they arrived at their final pick up. The customers got in and Dave turned to welcome them.

"Happy Valentine's Day, thank you for choosing our services. We've got plenty of waters and snacks if you get hungry on the ride to your destination." Scott looked up from his phone as Dave finished his welcoming speech and looked in the rear view mirror. His eyes widened and his phone fell to his lap. He sat there frozen for a moment before putting up the partition. "Hey, man. What's that about?" Dave looked at him with confusion on his face.

"Oh, my god. Oh, my god, Dave." Scott sunk in his seat. "That's my ex-girlfriend, Hope."

"Daaamn." Dave sat back in his seat. "And here she is, on a date with some guy who wears suspenders."

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