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just published a new book of peter x mj oneshots so go check it out if you're interested :)

When Scott awoke, Hope wasn't in her usual space by his side. Through blurred vision he made out the time 03:07 on the alarm clock beside him before rubbing his eyes and forcing himself out of bed.

"Hope..." he called, his voice hoarse as he tried to free himself from the sleep still trying to cling to him. He peered down the hallway and into the empty bathroom before venturing downstairs, assuming he'd find her in the kitchen.

Instead, when Scott reached the bottom of the stairs, he found her in the lounge. She was resting her hands on the arm of the old armchair she loved so much, leaning forward for support and swaying her hips slowly. Hope's eyes were clenched tightly shut as she focused, mentally dealing with the pain while also controlling her breathing and remaining mostly silent.

"Hope?" he repeated her name, his voice a whisper this time. Her response was to hold up one finger up in his direction without opening her eyes or even looking over at him, silently asking for a moment.

He closed the distance between them, and when she was ready Hope turned to rest a hand on each of his strong shoulders. Scott pressed a kiss to her sweaty forehead and she finally released the tension in her face and opened her eyes, her olive green gaze coming to rest on his.

"How long have you been awake?" Scott asked, resting his hands gently on her hips.

"A few hours" she shrugged, oblivious to what time it was, or what time it had been when she'd crawled out of their bed.

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"You need your beauty sleep" she smiled, teasing lightly before her facial expression changed. He could see recognition creeping in at the corner of her eyes before her mouth tightened and her eyes slid closed. She lay her forehead on his shoulder as he supported her, holding her as tightly as she let him, his hand rubbing gentle circles into the small of her back.

It was over sixty seconds later when the fist that had tightened into his shirt finally relaxed and Scott felt the tension in her body fade.

"Hope, I think it's time to go..." Scott told her, concern filling his voice as he cupped her cheek, gently guiding her face to look back up to his.

"No..." she whispered, shaking her head. "But I think we should get ready"

Scott relented, accepting her compromise. He leaned in and kissed her forehead before leaning low to kiss the swell of her stomach. "Go easy on your Mom" he whispered, standing and kissing her fully on the lips before reluctantly leaving her to go and get ready as he'd agreed.

He paused at the bottom of the stairs, turning to take in the sight of her. Her messy curls falling freely over her shoulders and freckle dusted cheeks. She stood in her panties and one of his old shirts, pulled taught over her bump. Scott took a moment to admire her; in all her beauty, in all her strength. Somehow, this incredible, admirable, amazing woman was his, and he was happily hers.

"Scott" Hope warned, noting him stood staring, "pants" she prompted before leaning over to brace herself against the armchair as another contraction took hold of her body.

Taking the stairs two at a time, Scott skidded into their bedroom and pulled on what he thought was a clean shirt and threw on some pants before digging through one of Hope's draws and finding her a baggy maternity top and leggings. He grabbed the two bags waiting by the door, packed with the essentials, before taking the stairs quickly back down to rejoin her.

Despite her muttered complaints, he helped Hope change. It was an unusually warm May for San Francisco, a heat wave had arrived a week earlier and was yet to relent. The last
thing Hope wanted to do when she was already uncomfortably warm, was put on more layers. Scott helped her with her shoes, softening her unimpressed glare with a kiss pressed to her nose and she finally agreed it was time to go to the hospital.

scott x hope oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now