(baby) it's our destiny

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Hope wakes up in the middle of the night, jolting up from her bed, sweating and shaking from her nightmare. Images of her mother, her father's sullen face, dying screams and explosions starts to fade away the moment she opens her eyes but the memories seemed permanently ingrained in a part of her brain, occasionally haunting her dreams.

She draws her knees up to her chest and buries her face into her arms, shaking away the remnants of the nightmare. She hates being in a situation like this, where she feels out of control, vulnerable and exposed. She lifts her head up and falls back on her pillow with a thud, hoping to fall asleep but failing. Suddenly, everything feels wrong, the bed's too warm and the room's too quiet.

She lets out a frustrated sigh, and kicks off the covers, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. The base of her feet touches the cool hardwood floor, making her relax a little and she heads to the bathroom. She stands in front of the basin and takes off her sweat-ridden tank top, leans over and proceeds to wash her face. She looks at the mirror, her soul words capturing her attention for a while. The small cursive words were etched at the lower edge of her left ribcage, standing out starkly against her pale skin, like a tattoo.

It had appeared when she was twelve years old and she still remembers the tolerable burning pain as it engraved on her skin. Her mother had told her about it vaguely when she was a child, but she had got further explanation from her aunt Peggy. For some reason, everyone is blessed with the first words of their soul mate. The soul mark could range from a single word to a long sentence, just like hers.

'Hello? Who are you? Have you been standing there watching me sleep this whole time?'

The words fascinated her twelve year old self. What does it mean? It's hard imagining herself watching a stranger sleep. How will the scenario turn out, she questions. Also, it isn't guaranteed that you would find your special one or spend the rest of your life with your intended soul mate, like aunt Peggy. She had found hers but he had perished in the war and she had lived a long, fulfilling life with another partner, who wasn't her soul mate.

As such, she doesn't know if it's a blessing or a curse, to have your soul mate's words scribbled on a part of your body. As Hope grew older, she became less fixated on it as she was more occupied equipping herself in becoming a superhero. She's had flings and relationships, nothing long-term, but none of them had uttered those words. Truth to be told, she couldn't care less about it.

Simply because Hope doesn't believe in soul mates.

One day, she happens to come across a news flash on television about a modern day Robin Hood and she catches a glimpse of the man and her soul words start to burn slightly. It piques her curiosity but the image of the man disappears before she could see his name.

She forgets all about it until she crosses path with a criminal, an ex-criminal to be precise, who had broke into her father's house and stole the Ant-Man suit. And now, she's standing in front of him, eyes darting to and fro from her phone to him, watching and observing. She thinks her father is out of his mind to recruit this stranger for the mission. Hope already despises him the moment she sets her eyes on him.

Scott wakes up with a jerk. He takes in the unfamiliar surroundings, yesterday's event flashing through his mind. He doesn't know where he is and his eyes bug out as his gaze falls on a women in a sleek business suit with a no-nonsense hairdo standing at the foot end of the bed, typing away on her phone.

"Hello? Who are you? Have you been standing there watching me sleep this whole time?", his eyebrows knit into a frown as he looks at her cautiously and uncertainly.

It stuns her for a fleeting moment when the words escape from his mouth, but she's highly trained in keeping a poker face so she doesn't reveal her emotions. Her soul words begin to burn and she flashes back to the time when it happened three years ago. It can't be. She panics, her mind searching in a frenzy for a response and it ends up with a single word.

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