if all my defenses come down, will you lay it all on me now?

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Takes place after amatw, pretends the snap never happened.

Scott was surprised at how easily he became reintegrated with the Pym-Van Dyne family.

After Germany he had never expected to hear from either Hank or Hope again.  He had contemplated ways to get a hold of them, to maybe give the suit back several times but he always decided against it in the end, the risks outweighing the rewards.

Truthfully, it was the thought of Hope's reaction, the way she had reacted before, that stopped him each time.

Which is why he never thought he would be back here.  Training with Hope, working with her and with Hank, and now Janet as well.  It was almost as though nothing had ever happened.

Except, there was no "other stuffing" happening this time.

Scott had thought maybe he and Hope would rekindle their relationship when she kissed him on the dock after rescuing him from the bay, but so far nothing.  Sure, they'd hung out a few times, even had a movie night with Cassie, but Hope hadn't made a single move.  Scott knew she knew how he felt, Cassie had made that clear, and yet there was still nothing.

Guess she no longer felt the same way.

"You're thinking very loudly," a voice broke his reverie.  Scott looked up from what he was supposed to be working on to see Janet standing in the doorway, one eyebrow raised.

Scott chucked, "you know, if it had been Hank or Hope to come in they would have made some sort of comment about how I should stop before I hurt myself."

"Yes, well, I am neither my husband nor my daughter."  Janet approached the table, taking a seat across from Scott.  "Want to tell me what's on your mind?"

"Um, I- uh," Scott spluttered, trying to rapidly think up a lie.  How was he supposed to tell Janet he was pining over her daughter?

"Was thinking about Hope." Janet finished his sentence, expression unreadable.

Okay, apparently that's how you tell her.  "I- how do you even know that?"

"Side effect of quantum entanglement, I spent the last few years experiencing sensations of your thoughts and feelings.  Nothing concrete, but enough to piece together several bits of information, a few of which I could have done without."  She gave Scott a look and he felt his face grow hot, knowing exactly what Janet was referencing.

"Well," Scott said after what felt like an eternity of silence, "this is awkward."

Janet hummed an agreement before fixing Scott with a hard look.  "So, what exactly are your intentions towards my daughter?"  She let Scott choke incoherently over his words for a moment before smirking.  "Relax, I know how you feel, been in your head, remember?"

Scott heaved a sigh of relief.  "Then why ask?"

"Because I'm trying to figure out what you want from her."

Scott sighed again.  "Honestly, I want," he paused, "everything.  I want to wake up next to her every morning, to hold her at night, be there for her when she needs someone.  I want to see her and Cassie interact when she's with me every weekend, maybe even another kid if she wanted.  I want to do the relationship thing properly, but that's not what she wants so I'll take whatever capacity she wants me in her life.  I'd rather that than losing her again, not sure I could get through that a second time."

Janet was rendered speechless.  She had known that Scott had strong feelings for Hope but had no clue that they ran this deep.  But one thing seemed off, "what do you mean that's not what she wants?"

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