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Victoria collapsed onto the bed after kicking off her heels

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Victoria collapsed onto the bed after kicking off her heels. "My feet feel like they've just completed a half marathon."

"You were the one that insist we dance," Aaron pointed out as he took pff his dress shoes as well. "I haven't had to dance like that in forever."

"It's a good skill to know. Now could you help me unzip this dress please?" Aaron carefully brushed her hair to the side before unzipping her dress. "Thank you. I'll go change and get ready for bed in the bathroom."

"I'll change in the closet," he told her.

"Sounds like a plan."

The man grabbed his clothes and changed in one of the many corners of the room before folding his clothes into a neat stack. It was a force of habit. Aaron couldn't stand it how some people just sprawled everything out in hotel rooms. Sprawling everything made it look like a hurricane had made their suitcase explode. Just thinking about it gave him goosebumps. He appreciated that Victoria had kept her things neatly in one localized area. He took a glance at their schedule for the following day.

"We have to be up by 8 tomorrow for breakfast," Aaron told her thought the closed bathroom door.

He could hear her groan. "It's almost midnight. Can't we just do the reasonable thing of sleeping in and ordering room service? No one will care anyways."

"Says the woman who stayed awake for an entire day."

"Don't judge me Aaron. Sleep is amazing."

"Well we have to stick with the schedule. There will be agents posted around the perimeter."

The bathroom door swung open to reveal an exhausted VIctoria. "Fine, but you're responsible for setting an alarm for us."

"Are you wearing a t-shirt from Harvard?"

"Yes, I went to Harvard, sue me." Aaron laughed. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, it's just that I went to Harvard too." He scanned her face for a reaction.

"I'm not surprised. I'll take the couch you csn take the bed," she told as dhe walked over to the couch in question.

"No, I'll take the couch."

"Aaron, I'm smaller than you. Your long legs won't fit on the couch. Unless you're willing to share a bed I'm firmly gonna take the couch. Even if I have to tackle you and handcuff you to the bed frame."

"Isn't that a bit extreme? And if that's the case then we can share the bed. I have no problem with that if you're okay with it. I was just trying to be a gentleman and letting you take the bed."

"I think we will both be happier this way. Nothing will make anyone grumpier than a sore back and a bad night's sleep. Trust me, it's better this way."

"If you say so. I'm going to check in with Rossi."

"Mhmm, you do that, I'll get a head start on sleep." 

Nicotine // Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now