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After the wedding the couple retreated to a house Victoria owned in Georgetown for the night before leaving in the morning on their honeymoon

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After the wedding the couple retreated to a house Victoria owned in Georgetown for the night before leaving in the morning on their honeymoon. They were too exhausted to even think about doing anything. Aaron just conformed to a cuddle session.

The two were still in their wedding close as they lay on the bed. "Where to now?"

He caressed her cheek. "Anywhere you want."

"Mmm. I'm thinking our cabin," she replied.

"Good choice. Isolated with no distractions."

"That is true. Garcia and JJ stocked up the fridge so we should be set." Victoria sat up in bed. "Aaron, be a dear and help me take off this dress."

He gave her a cheeky grin. "I thought you said you were too tired?"

She rolled her eyes. "Adelmo thought it would be fun to give me a dress I can't take off myself."

"May be he thought I'd appreciate taking my time unlacing your dress," Aaron commented.

Victoria shrugged, "Could be."

She felt the dress loosen around her shoulders. Aaron gently pushed her hair to the side and kissed the back of her neck. Then said in a low voice, "Still tired?"


Victoria woke up the next morning to the sound of cooking and the sweet savory smell of bacon cooking. She groaned as she didn't want to get up, but her desire to eat bacon triumphed her desire to stay in bed. She put on an oversized t-shirt and made her way to the kitchen where Aaron was cooking in sweats and a t-shirt.

"Morning love," she said.

"Morning," He smiled back as he kissed her. "Is that my t-shirt?"


He chuckled, "It looks better on you than it does on me. That's a given. Did you get much sleep last night?"

Victoria took a sip of orange juice from the glass that Aaron had served himself earlier. "Well husband, you kept me up all night," she replied.

"I don't remember you complaining. In my defense I did let you sleep in," he said.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. Even put on a fresh pot of coffee. Our bags are all ready to go in the car. Filled up a thermos of hot coffee for the road."

"The big Stanley one? The vacuum isolated one," Victoria wanted clarification.

"Yes love. I know how much you love it."

"It keeps my coffee warm the entire day. I'm not like you. I don't chug coffee. I savor it. Especially since I've been trying to cut down my caffeine consumption."

He smiled at her. "I was thinking breakfast then we hit the road."

She put the glass down. "Maybe have some fun before we leave," she smirked.

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