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The young family seemed to be blissfully happy

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The young family seemed to be blissfully happy. Jack more than happily accepted the idea of being a big brother. As time went on it became more and more of a reality. They were going to be parents. When her baby bump became visible at month 3 it started to feel real. Like it wasn't just a dream.

They had told the entire family over dinner. Everyone was happy for them. It would mean their family was growing. It seemed like her blissful days of being symptom ended quickly after they discovery. Which resulted in a change of menu at the Hotchner household. Coffee and bacon were banned. Two things that Victoria loved dearly but could not be around without throwing up. This made it difficult for Gibbs to be around the house. The man practically lived off of solely coffee.

Gibbs came over to their house on Saturday morning for breakfast. The casual drop-ins seemed to become more frequent than before.

"I come bearing gifts," Gibbs announced as he made his way to the kitchen. "Fried chicken and waffles."

Victoria immediately perked up. "Crispy?"

"Of course."


Gibbs chuckled, "Yup. And some Earl Grey."

"You are a lifesaver dad," Victoria smiled.

Fortunately Earl Grey provided her daily caffeine fix. It meant that Aaron and their team was spared from her grumpy moods. Aaron said, "Jack go wash your hands."

"Yes daddy," Jack politely responded as he ran off to wash his hands.

Aaron looked at Gibbs. "Did you have coffee before coming over?"

"Oh yeah. I feel bad for you."

"I'll live. Although Rossi is a bit upset."

"We're italian," Victoria protested.

Gibbs told her, "You were raised Italian."

"Tomato tamato. I identify as Italian even if your genes come from Austria. They share a border and I speak German too."

Gibbs rolled his eyes. "Leave it to you to know multiple languages."

"I got bored on a trip to Vienna," Victoria shrugged.

"What were you doing in Vienna," Gibbs asked.

"Holocaust remembrance trip. I wanted to be in solidarity with their suffering. We see so much of the worst in humanity that I just needed to rethink it all."

"And your reasoning was that the Holocaust wasn't dark enough," Aaron stated.

She shrugged, "Didn't say my logic was perfect."

"Well you are part jewish. Your great grandfather was at Auschwitz," Gibbs told her. "Your grandfather migrated to the US after the war. Became a citizen and joined the USMC."

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