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The world seemed to stop

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The world seemed to stop. The young couple had been so caught in their own little world that they had forgotten about the external. The team was called on a case three months into their engagement. It was a long and hard case that set them on the hunt for a college student. A girl. They had two suspects detained and limited time to crack them. Aaron was stuck in an office with JJ and Strauss.

"I have given it thought. I'm not interested," JJ said.

"Clearly since you turned it down twice without consulting your unit chief," Strauss protested.

"She is at no obligation to discuss it with me," Aaron spoke up. 

"If the Pentagon calls one of your team members you should know about it." Strauss proceeded to argue with JJ about the benefits of the job transfer. 

"We're all in agreement that Agent Jareau's  a valuable part of this team and it is understandable why the executive branch is requesting a transfer. However, if Agent Jareau respectfully declines their request, there's no way you can make her go," Aaron stated.

"No I can't. Have you looked at the video of the missing girl?"

"They are looking at it right now."

"You're expected in an hour."

"Thank you." Strauss left. "JJ. The Pentagon?"

"I know, I just didn't want to leave here."

Aaron knew that her good work wouldn't go unnoticed. It was just like what had happened to Victoria. When she had left the BAU so many door had been open for her. It was a constant concern for him that he would be holding her back. That she was turning down job offers just to be close to him and Jack. He didn't want her to be in a job where she didn't feel fulfilled or satisfied. Clyde Easter had called him the other day. Asked him if Victoria as still looking for a job. He responded saying that if he wanted to offer her a job he was going to have to call her himself. 

The case was going to difficult. It was fully dependent on them being able to breaking the suspects. He couldn't help but contemplate how the parent's felt in the scenario. A part of him wondered how he would feel if he was in the father's shoes and if that was his daughter they were looking for. It was a terrifying thought, but was within the realm of possibilities. As a father it was horrifying. No parent wants any harm to come to their child. 

Watching those boys lie right through their teeth infuriated him. He knew that they knew where the girl was. They were distancing themselves for the situation with their language. He just sat back and watched the team try and drive a wedge between the two. His job was to make sure they were going on the right track. Watched as Morgan tried to break down the suspect with intimidation. He was a spectator. There to make sure they did their job. 

Strauss was pressuring him send JJ back to D.C. The transfer was a done deal. An executive decision. There was nothing he could do. Nothing. The sense of helplessness was not foreign to him. He accepted their was nothing he could do. His concern came from the fact that he was worried about how it would affect the team. How they would react to another loss. He would need to find another media liaison and soon. 

Nicotine // Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now