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Thanksgiving passed by without another incident

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Thanksgiving passed by without another incident. Victoria bought the Suzuki off of Austin Lucas for a decent price. Much to Agent Donovan's dissatisfaction they drove back. Agent Donovan took a car while they rode. Sam had been the one driving and it had been a while since Victoria had been a passenger on a motorbike. She savored every minute of it.

Once they reached her house they decided to have a serious conversation. Their talk with Mr. and Mrs. Lucas had made them think about their future together.

"Y'know this used to be so easy. Back when we were in college," Sam said. Agent Donovan was in the living room watching some sports game.

"I know, but a lot has changed since college. We aren't the same people we were back then," she responded.

"I still remember walking into our language class and thinking, who is this chick with pink highlights in her hair. Then I got partnered up with you and you ended up ranting about how you had bought the wrong hair dye."

They both laughed. "I remember. Our professor couldn't complain because we were speaking in fluent Japanese."

"Remember that winter we got snowed in?" She smiled as she recalled the memory. "Those were some of the best times of my life. I never thought that seven years later we would be sitting here talking about the future of our relationship because I fell in love with you from the moment I saw you, pink hair and all."

She caressed his cheek before kissing him one last time. "I know, and you will always be my first love. But I can't help but feel like we're strangers. We took a year off in hopes of it resolving our problems but our problems are still there. I've changed and so have you. We're no longer the right fit for each other."

Sam knew she had a point. She always did. "I know, and I should have seen it. But I just wanted this to work out so badly. You are an amazing woman. You're strong, dedicated, and you never give up. You can debate with the best of them yet you close the BAU because you wanted to help people. I love you, but I will respect your decision if you want to end this."

"Sam, you deserve some one who feels as passionate about tax reform and making education one of the strongest parts of our government. Your idealist ideology is what made me fall in love with you in the first place. You will one day be president, I don't doubt that, and you need someone who can support you with all their heart. Our paths no longer over lap and there's no use in pretending they do. You are a good man Sam, you'll find someone else. Someone who will be with you every step of the way."

"I guess this is it huh?"

"It doesn't have to be the end. Before we dated we were friends, and I have to say, we were darn good at that. I still want you in my life, but as a friend."

"We promised each other we'd always be there for one another. I plan on keeping that promise."

"Just promise me you'll follow Agent Donovan's instructions. I'll kill you if you die."

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