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Victoria watched as the Hotchner brothers interacted

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Victoria watched as the Hotchner brothers interacted. While she may have gone a bit far trying to convince Sean to come with her the results were worth it. Sean was stubborn, but he didn't expect she was going to be stubborn and determined.

"So are you almost done repairing the Suzuki in the garage," Sean asked her.

She nodded, "Almost, I just need to fine tune a few more things and get her a fresh coat of paint. What do you drive?"

Sean grinned, "I drive a Harley."

Aaron shook his head, "Make and model Sean. She isn't me when it comes to these things."

Rossi intervened, "All motorcycle talk is banned from the dinner table. You know the rules Victoria Alexandrina Rossi."

She rolled her eyes, "Yes father."

"Wait, you set up a rule for motorcycle talk in the Rossi household," Prentiss chuckled. "I wanna know more."

"Yeah no," Rossi replied. "In this household we talk about vintage cars, not motorcycles, period. There is no room for your two wheeled motor vehicles in this house."

"So what kind of parent were you Dave?" Aaron wanted to take this as an invitation to delve deeper into the past.

"I was a doting parent."

Victoria snorted. "Like hell you were. Jason was the doting father. You were the overprotective father."

"Just because Gideon let you ride dirt bikes with your high school buddies doesn't mean I was overprotective. Name one thing that makes me an overprotective father."

"You really wanna go there?"

"Bring it on," Rossi challenged.


Rossi sighed in defeat. "You got me there."

"Woah, did one word bring down the nightly Italian Stallion," Morgan teased.

"We do not talk about Italy my dear child. You know why we don't talk about Italy. It follows the Vegas rule."

"What happens in Italy stays in Italy," Reid hesitantly said.

"Exactly. Now I suggest we drop this subject."

Garcia wasn't going to go down easily. "Spill the tea. We need dirt on Rossi."

"Oh hell no, I have things at stake too. Ask Gideon if you're so keen on finding out," Victoria told them.

"Boy genius get Gideon on the phone."

Both Victoria and Rossi knew that their attempts would yield nothing. Gideon was at his cabin where he was technology free. The two of them just relaxed in their seats as Morgan pressured Reid into calling Gideon at least 50 times.

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