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Victoria brushed her teeth as the news played in the background

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Victoria brushed her teeth as the news played in the background. She would be driving herself to work on her Ducati as Aaron had to drop off Jack at school.

"Breaking news, there has been a report of terrorist activity in Boston, Massachusetts. Locals were alarmed when...."

She sighed and put her hair up in a ponytail. It was going to be a long day with a relatively short flight ahead of them. She had her go bag on hand and grabbed her keys before driving off to Quantico. On the ride there she got a call. She clicked the accept call button.

"Hayes." It was moments like this she loved Bluetooth headset and wireless calling.

"Morning gorgeous, just wanted to verify your coffee order," Garcia said.

"Caramel macchiato," Victoria replied. "Iced. It's gonna be a long day."

"You got it. Hotch just called us in for a briefing, but nothing too urgent. Info from the Boston field office is still flowing in as damage is still being assessed. I will be at the BAU asap, pronto, as fast as the wind."

Victoria laughed as Garcia hung up and another call came through. "Aaron if that's you calling about the suspected terrorist case in Boston I will scream," she threatened.

The line was silent for a second. Aaron took a breath and said, "I just wanted to know if you were on your way."

"Lies, now fill me in."

"Well it's not a suspected bomber. We are dealing with a highly sophisticated explosives expert."

"Have we identified the signature? Any groups take credit yet?"

"Not yet. Strauss wants you to team up with Morgan and help with ATF. I read your file and-"

"About damn time."

"And-oh for crying out loud I read the file before Rossi even called you. Of course I had to vet you as a candidate to take JJ's place. The only thing was the files had the names off. Which meant I didn't know it was you."

"Sure you did. Well I'll be over as soon as possible. I'm weaving through traffic as we speak."

"Oh did you ever find out what Rossi gave you for Christmas?"

"He said he'd give it to me on my birthday. Which is pretty much today," she shrugged. "It's probably another framed picture of our family."

"Your birthday is today," he repeated.

"Yes, I'm a January baby, and you would know that if you'd, gasp, read my file you moron," she sarcastically replied.

"You're 28 now."

"That is correct. You're DOB is November 2nd. The same day as All Souls' Day."

"How do you even know that?"

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