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Aaron was mortified at the idea of telling Gideon

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Aaron was mortified at the idea of telling Gideon. Rossi had proposed the idea of a gentleman's evening. That meant that all the boys would be gathered in Rossi's game room. The purpose of the gathering would be to tell the good news. Obviously Stephen was out of town, but Sean took his place at the table. Even Takuma was invited without the pretext that he was going to take care of the kids.

Will, Rossi, Gideon, Sean, Evan, Takuma, Reid, Morgan, and him sat around a table while Rossi dealt out cards. "Now I assume everyone here knows how to play poker," Rossi said.

Aaron looked at Sean. "Yes Aaron, I know how to play poker. Your girlfriend taught me last Christmas."

Aaron took it as his opening. "I think the correct term is fiance."

Everyone in the table congratulated him. Rossi just smirked like the matchmaker he was. Gideon shook his head at Rossi.

"You, you put him up to this," Gideon accused his partner.

Rossi chuckled, "Guilty as charged. But come on. Look at him. He's happy. She's happy. Win-win."

"Our daughter is getting married." Gideon was saddened by the thought.

"Our daughter is getting married," Rossi grinned. "And I can't wait for all the little bambinos running around the house."

"Now David, let's not get too ahead of ourselves. I don't think I can take it," Gideon protested. "My two children getting married in the same year."

Evan proceeded to say, "Hey what about me pops?"

Takuma laughed and patted him on the back. "You've been rejected. Sorry bro but you don't have the Gideon or Rossi family name. You're the only Hayes here."

Aaron proceeded to ask, "I've always wondered why Victoria used Hayes."

Gideon calmed down and answered his question. "It's their maternal last name. Victoria only used it at the Bureau to avoid favoritism for being Rossi's kid. Then again not many knew he had adopted so we could have passed it off as a coincidence, but it was a better safe than sorry scenario."

Evan finished the explanation. "I grew up with my uncle."

"Why didn't Rossi just adopt both siblings," Will asked.

Rossi gave them a look. "Have you people met me? One child is enough. Trust me. If I raised Evan he would be on his fifth marriage by now. I mean look at that face. I would have raised a mini David Rossi, another Casanova or Don Juan."

"Actually," Reid chimed in.

Takuma stopped the genius. "Not the time Reid," Takuma gently said. 

Reid pouted, "Okay."

Takuma patted Reid on the head. Aaron just ignored the interaction and continued with the conversation at hand. "So you're saying that you thought you'd have a better job at raising a girl than a boy," Aaron clarified.

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