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The treatment of Mrs

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The treatment of Mrs. Hotchner towards Victoria had not gone unnoticed by Sean who managed to pull Victoria to the side. 

"How you holding up," Sean asked her.

Victoria gave him a look. "Just peachy." 


"She hates me Sean, she hates me," Victoria replied. 

Sean sighed, "She hates any woman we bring home. At least you've survived the first day. My past girlfriends never made it this far... then again I don't make it a habit to introduce them to my mother. She's especially overprotective of Aaron."

"Did she ever approve of any of them?"

"No, not even Haley," Sean stated. "The odds aren't stacked in your favor, but my money is that you'll find a way."

"Thanks for your vote of confidence Sean."

Sean was about to walk away, but stopped. "A word of advice, don't stay in the guest room with Jack. She'll take it as a sign of resignation. It's a battle of wits when it comes to our mother."

"Thank you."

"No problem. I like you and I'd hate to see my mother treat you like that." 

Victoria smiled at the idea of having Sean in her corner silently cheering her on. She knew that if she was going to win the woman at her own game she would have to take action. The woman expected her to be submissive. The mother-in-law bullying her daughter-in-law in order to gain dominance over her. It was a power play. Victoria chuckled as she realized just how foolish she had been to fall into her trap. Well she had the advantage that Mrs. Hotchner didn't know that she knew what she was plotting. 

Aaron chuckled and kissed her on the cheek. "What are you plotting there love?"

"Thinking, not plotting. Is Sean helping your mother with dinner?" 

The sun was beginning to set. "Hmm? Yeah, I was thinking we could take Jack out to the park for a bit before dinner. Poor boy has been cooped up all day." 

She gave him a small smile. "I'll just grab my coat."

Aaron gave her a small nod as he went into the living room to tell Jack while she grabbed her coat. Mrs. Hotchner was in the kitchen with Sean cooking dinner. She wanted to feel the fresh air on her skin. To breathe freely without someone looking over her shoulder every second looking to see if she would make a mistake. That was how Mrs. Hotchner made her feel. The woman watched her like a hawk. 

Victoria tilted her head up towards the night sky to admire the stars. Never had they shone more brighter and prettier. Aaron walked by her side as the held hands. Jack was running and skipping ahead of them. Everything seemed perfect in that moment. 

"I'm sorry my mother is being difficult," Aaron apologized. "I thought she would be better. I told her about you and how much Jack loves you. She's probably just jealous."

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