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While Aaron and Victoria ate lunch with JJ the phone rang

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While Aaron and Victoria ate lunch with JJ the phone rang. Victoria got a call from Strauss with a case that they would be taking on the following morning.

Victoria hung up. "We have a case."

"Tonight?" There was a hint of hopefulness in his voice.

She nodded, "Wheels up at 3pm."

JJ asked, "Did Strauss really give you guys more than an hour to get ready?"


"Wow. Maybe people can change," JJ mused.

Victoria shrugged, "Eh she probably knows we're all with family or out with friends." Aaron just gave her a look. "Oh and Aaron is just itching to get back to work. He's such a workaholic."

Will bursted out laughing. "Way to throw him under the buss."

"What's wrong with stating the facts?"

"Wow Hotch, you really do know how to pick them," JJ sarcastically remarked. 

Aaron just rolled his eyes. "Fine, I know I'm a workaholic, but I like what I do."

"I know honey, I know. I'm just having some fun."


Telling the entire Rossi family that resided in Victoria's house that they were called to work on a Sunday afternoon was like telling the world that nuclear weapons were the solution for global peace. 

Victoria made a run for it as soon as she managed to grab her go bag. Jack knew the drill and quickly said goodbye to his parents with a kiss on the cheek.

The two were at the airstrip in record time. They managed to arrive earlier than everyone else. Since Garcia had made the push to go paperless the files were on their tablets. Reid would be the only one with a physical file.

"Do you two ever rest," Morgan asked as he approached them.

"Define rest," Victoria responded.

Morgan chuckled, "You are just as bad as Hotch."

Aaron said in a warning tone, "Just wait until you meet your fiancee's family. Then you can say that."

Morgan looked at Victoria for answers. "What happened to Hotch?"

"He's had a rough time. Don't ask."

"If you say don't ask it's gonna make me want to ask even more," Morgan argued.

"Don't question my logic Derek Morgan."

Morgan backed down. "You act like Hotch when your mad."

"I don't."

"You do. You're even using the same tone of voice."

"Morgan," Aaron said in a warning tone.

"That one. You two are honestly becoming so similar it's scary."

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