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The cabin was silent as the two laid on the couch

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The cabin was silent as the two laid on the couch. Night had fallen and they were both fast asleep. They had called to check in with the team. They had a scheduled check-in in two hours. Hopefully the unsub would have made their move. They both faced each other as Victoria's face was nestled against his chest. The lights were all off except a few candles they had lit around the cabin. Aaron thought the honeymoon needed a bit more mood lighting even if they weren't going to engage in any of those activities. Victoria had just played along in amusement. It was almost a miracle that they were able to sleep given the circumstances.

It was the click of the safety on the gun being disabled that woke him. Immediately Aaron realized he was on the couch alone. The running water of the sink in the bathroom alerted him that Victoria was still okay. He remained deadpan and unmoving as he waited for the proper time to attack. He would have to try and stall. His best bet would be to try and neutralize the threat before Victoria exited the bathroom. Aaron didn't know the extend to her skills in hand to hand combat, especially not with a gun. A gun was an unpredictable factor.

Aaron saw the unsub was distracted and took the opportunity. The gun skidded under the kitchen table as the two fought for dominance. The unsub pushed him against a wall and Aaron prayed Victoria had heard the commotion by now and alerted the team. He tried to keep the bathroom door out of the unsub's line of sight. The unsub managed to throw him on the table knocking the air out of his lungs.

"Just give up already." Aaron glared at him. "Have it your way."

There wasn't time for to get up from the broken table which meant he resorted to using his legs to kick the unsub back. He had him off balance long enough to stand. But by then the unsub had spotted Victoria making her way towards the gun. He tackled the unsub from behind to buy her time. Once she grabbed the gun it was over, the team had already arrived.

They could hear the team outside as Morgan kicked open the door. Morgan handcuffed the unsub and escorted him to the police car with Prentiss. Everyone waited outside as he and Victoria gathered their things.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be much help. The unsub jammed the reception so I had to do all this stuff to alert the team. All I did was grab the gun."

"Regardless, it would have gone on longer if the team hadn't been alerted."

"Aaron, you're bleeding."

Aaron reached his hand up to his forehead and sure enough he was. "It's only a scratch. Nothing too bad."

Victoria rolled her eyes. "Cut the macho act and go get check out by the paramedics. Our bags were ready to go. I'll just finish grabbing your things in the bathroom. What if you sustained a concussion?"

"I'm fine alright. It's just a superficial flesh wound." Aaron just rolled his eyes at her behavior. He didn't like the attention. He didn't like being injured. He would have preferred if she hadn't pointed it out at all. "I'll go to the paramedics after we pack up."

Nicotine // Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now