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New Years Eve was their anniversary

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New Years Eve was their anniversary. The first moment that they realized their feelings for each other. Every second was precious to them. The team came closer together as a family. JJ still had her maternity clothes for Victoria to borrow.

This year New Years Eve would be a bit different. There would be new people and old faces. Gideon had begun to spend more time with them in DC than in the past. After he had left the BAU he had seemed to cut off ties and gone soul searching. Now? Now they were a family again. Reid was happy to have his old mentor again. Everyone was happy at the New Years Eve dinner.

Aaron cleared his throat. "Guys, we have an announcement to make."

Everyone's eyes were on them as Victoria said with a grin, "We're having twins."

Gideon and Rossi nearly both fainted right then and there. Sean and Takuma high fived each other. Reid began to spout out statistics. Morgan and Evan had a bro side talk. But one thing was for certain, everyone was happy.

Gibbs stated, "I'll have that second crib ready."

"Oh you're running out of time," Evan laughed.

"I'm making sturdy child safe cribs. Quality craftsmanship takes time," Gibbs said.

Rossi said, "Is the first one done?"

Gibbs nodded, "I just finished painting it. I plan on bringing it over when they begin remodeling the guest room."

Garcia grinned, "Oh that's my area of expertise."

Victoria replied, "That's a talk for next month."

"Roger that." Garcia was way too excited about being in charge of remodeling.

"How's Jack dealing with the change," JJ asked.

Aaron said, "He's excited and nervous like we all are. He can't wait to be a big brother."

"Awe," Garcia coed. "That's so cute."

The conversation then splintered off into smaller side conversations. Victoria took the opportunity to talk to someone she hasn't talked to in a while. She gestured for Sean to follow her to the kitchen.

Sean said, "What's up?"

"I've been thinking. How beat up is your Harley?"

Sean shrugged, "A fair amount. Still runs pretty smooth. Could probably get a decent amount if I sold her. Why?"

She dangled a set of keys in front of him. "Let's face it. Aaron never liked my motorcycle riding habit. And now with the twins? Oh this baby is gonna be sitting in the garage collecting dust. So then I thought, hey what if I gave her to Sean? Then it got me thinking."

Sean hesitated. "But she's your pride and joy."

Victoria snorted, "I'm talking about my Harley. Not my Ducati. Oh there is no way in hell I'm giving up my Ducati Scrambler 1100."

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