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"I know this is a lot to take in," Leo told her as he took a sip of coffee

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"I know this is a lot to take in," Leo told her as he took a sip of coffee.

Victoria tried to read him and came up with nothing. Leo wasn't bluffing or lying. Leo was telling the truth. "Are you sure?"

"They made the link this morning. The threats have been going on longer than we thought. Since Sam is terrible at checking his mail we uncovered more threats dating back to the time Sam visited you at the BAU."

"They're watching me as well," she summed up.

"Yes, and we can set you up with a security detail as well. It would be slightly unprecedented as Sam and you are not yet married, but the President is willing to ignore precedent and provide security." 

Victoria sighed, "This is a drag, and you know me better than Sam does. You knew walking in that I would refuse the offer."

"It was worth a shot. I trust you wanted to review the surveillance photos and letters the person sent?"

"Is the President going to request this as an active case to the BAU?" Victoria knew that it would be on their desk soon enough if it wasn't already.

"The President doesn't believe it's necessary. I don't believe it's necessary," Leo replied.

Victoria nodded, "Good call, the person we are dealing with hasn't shown any signs of escalation. Putting a security detail on Sam was the best call we've made so far. Next is watching to see if there is any shift in behavior."

Leo looked at her and then said, "I noticed last night that things between you and Sam have been a bit tense recently. Wanna talk about it?"

Victoria gazed into Leo's eyes. Leo was on the short list of people she felt understood her. He was her bridge between her world and Sam's world. A world she didn't fully grasp. "Things were easier before I left a year ago," She responded. "When I was at the Pentagon everything was easier. Now I'm back at the BAU, my comfort zone, and I feel like Sam doesn't understand that. He keeps trying to make me a part of the White House staff, a part of the politics. Leo, you know I hate politics and the whole bureaucratic red tape. And now with the holidays looming over us I can already feel the dread of Mrs. Lucas and Mrs. Seaborne asking when Sam and I are going to get married."

"Tell me one thing, why are you with Sam? Once you can answer that then maybe you can work things out. There's a reason there are few happy marriages in the west wing and the BAU. Toby and I are divorced and Josh can't handle a long term relationship. But maybe you have to consider who you are when you met Sam and who you are now. People change and that is a fact of life."

"I know that Leo."

"There was a man in a hole and his friend walked by. He asked the friend for help getting out and the friend jumps into the hole. The man tells him, 'Why did you do that for? Now we're both stuck here.' The friend replies, 'Yeah but I've been down there before and I know the way out."

Nicotine // Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now